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Well, look what just rolled into town!  
Keewatin Railway Company KRC 290 The Pukatawagan Mixed has just arrived at The Pas, MB with PRLX 2269 and PRLX 2265 in charge. 
Tonight's 'Puk' has all four of KRC's ex-VIA, exx-CN NSC and CC&F built passenger cars in tow, along with two boxcars, a flat car, and two bulkhead flats. 
The diesel generator in the baggage car is running to provide lighting in the coaches, as evidenced by the plume of exhaust smoke drifting over the station. No need for the furnace to be on as it was 19C in The Pas on this beautiful September 29, 2023 fall day. 
In a few minutes, after all the passengers have detrained and the baggage has been off-loaded, the four passenger cars will be pulled ahead then shoved back into VIA Storage Track PZ70 to the left of the station platform. 
All of this taking place in 2023!!! :-)
Copyright Notice: This image ©Paul O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: Well, look what just rolled into town!
Keewatin Railway Company KRC 290 The Pukatawagan Mixed has just arrived at The Pas, MB with PRLX 2269 and PRLX 2265 in charge.
Tonight's 'Puk' has all four of KRC's ex-VIA, exx-CN NSC and CC&F built passenger cars in tow, along with two boxcars, a flat car, and two bulkhead flats.
The diesel generator in the baggage car is running to provide lighting in the coaches, as evidenced by the plume of exhaust smoke drifting over the station. No need for the furnace to be on as it was 19C in The Pas on this beautiful September 29, 2023 fall day.
In a few minutes, after all the passengers have detrained and the baggage has been off-loaded, the four passenger cars will be pulled ahead then shoved back into VIA Storage Track PZ70 to the left of the station platform.
All of this taking place in 2023!!! :-)

Paul O'Shell [446] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/29/2023 (search)
Railway: Keewatin Railway (search)
Reporting Marks: PRLX 2269, PRLX 2265 (search)
Train Symbol: KRC 290 The Pukatawagan Mixed (search)
Subdivision/SNS: The Pas, Mile 0.0 Wekusko Sub., Mile 4.7 The Pas Terminal Sub. (search)
City/Town: The Pas (search)
Province: Manitoba (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=53046
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