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......pre social media....before cell phones,

....... imagine, being at one of your favourite rail location(s)....

......and believe that you are up to speed on all the latest happenings....

....  and looking up at the horizon you see a white plume....

......and then you hear a whistle....what ????

..... hear again....

.....a REAL whistle.....

.....the kind you hear about in stories told to you by your Great Uncle..... 

......So 11:30 a.m., April 29, 1979, 


CN extra 6060 East..........

......loafing along at a self imposed 45 m.p.h.......

..... And of course, what else is there to do but photograph active mainline steam on a dreary dull April Sunday?

.....And though this was ....pre social media....before cell phones.....look at the greeters on the platforms, the Bell land line phones were busy that Sunday morning....

At CN Cobourg April 29, 1979, Kodachrome by S.Danko.

More 6060 THAT DAY: 


Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.


......pre social media....before cell phones,

....... imagine, being at one of your favourite rail location(s)....

......and believe that you are up to speed on all the latest happenings....

.... and looking up at the horizon you see a white plume....

......and then you hear a whistle....what ????

..... hear again....

.....a REAL whistle.....

.....the kind you hear about in stories told to you by your Great Uncle.....

......So 11:30 a.m., April 29, 1979,


CN extra 6060 East..........

......loafing along at a self imposed 45 m.p.h.......

..... And of course, what else is there to do but photograph active mainline steam on a dreary dull April Sunday?

.....And though this was ....pre social media....before cell phones.....look at the greeters on the platforms, the Bell land line phones were busy that Sunday morning....

At CN Cobourg April 29, 1979, Kodachrome by S.Danko.

More 6060 THAT DAY:



sdfourty [728] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/29/1979 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 6060 (search)
Train Symbol: Extra CN 6060 East (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Cobourg (search)
City/Town: Cobourg (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50077
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Photo ID: 48792

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  1. Was it going to Montreal backwards?? Bruce

  2. Very neat photo.

  3. Who thinks CNR should invest in rebuilding 6060 and borrowing it for a few years for coast to coast special trains? Raise your hands high…

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