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Oxy Vinyls.  Big business in Niagara these days is the Oxy Vinyls Canada plant in Thorold. Built originally in 1957 the plant has been expanded 7 times since then and it’s Canada’s largest (and only) vinyl resin producer (All these facts are per the  Niagara Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) website,by the way). The facility is busy enough to have its own switcher which can be seen outside the confines of the property as shown by Arnold Mooneys shot  and also inside the plant as shown by Steve Host’s angle. With all the changes around here it was nice to have been around during the chance run down the Chemical Spur, as this is noremally handeled by 564 at night, I believe.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Mark MacCauley all rights reserved.

Caption: Oxy Vinyls. Big business in Niagara these days is the Oxy Vinyls Canada plant in Thorold. Built originally in 1957 the plant has been expanded 7 times since then and it’s Canada’s largest (and only) vinyl resin producer (All these facts are per the Niagara Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) website,by the way). The facility is busy enough to have its own switcher which can be seen outside the confines of the property as shown by Arnold Mooneys shot and also inside the plant as shown by Steve Host’s angle. With all the changes around here it was nice to have been around during the chance run down the Chemical Spur, as this is noremally handeled by 564 at night, I believe.

Mark MacCauley [104] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/05/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 2810 (search)
Train Symbol: 562 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Chemical Spur (search)
City/Town: Thorald (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=41317
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Photo ID: 40110

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  1. Awesome catch, Mark. So neat to finally see this.

    What was up is down in Niagara this week. 562 lifting Oxy in daylight, and I’m told 564 ran down the Humberstone to Vale the other night.

  2. Very nice. No NSC PP cars?? :)

  3. I found your caption very informative too.

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