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MOVING EM OUT!  GIO with TRRY 108 at MP 1.60 of the Welland Tube Spur and about to cross #140 with IC 1504, IC 1506, CN 4100 and 5 loaded pipe cars enroute to nearby Southern Yard.  The three switchers are finally off and rolling on the first leg of the trek to, the buyer, Lambton Diesel Specialist, Sarnia.  The three switchers, recently vandalized, were repositioned to the middle track within the former Martech Rail compound by GIO on Monday past, inspected in preparation for rail transfer on Wednesday and then relocated by GIO to Southern Yard late Friday afternoon. This leaves the former Stelco switcher 615 as sole company for108 within the fenced compound. The Welland Tube crew had switched out the facility earlier placing the loaded pipe cars on the siding using MPRX 101.  Daylight diminished and snow began to fall by the time GIO’s crew arrived Welland from working GIO (TRRY) 1859 & LDSX 7920 and their Port Colborne grain train. It will be of interest to many to see when and where these units re-surface.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Glenn Cherry all rights reserved.

Caption: MOVING EM OUT! GIO with TRRY 108 at MP 1.60 of the Welland Tube Spur and about to cross #140 with IC 1504, IC 1506, CN 4100 and 5 loaded pipe cars enroute to nearby Southern Yard. The three switchers are finally off and rolling on the first leg of the trek to, the buyer, Lambton Diesel Specialist, Sarnia. The three switchers, recently vandalized, were repositioned to the middle track within the former Martech Rail compound by GIO on Monday past, inspected in preparation for rail transfer on Wednesday and then relocated by GIO to Southern Yard late Friday afternoon. This leaves the former Stelco switcher 615 as sole company for108 within the fenced compound. The Welland Tube crew had switched out the facility earlier placing the loaded pipe cars on the siding using MPRX 101. Daylight diminished and snow began to fall by the time GIO’s crew arrived Welland from working GIO (TRRY) 1859 & LDSX 7920 and their Port Colborne grain train. It will be of interest to many to see when and where these units re-surface.

Glenn Cherry [55] (more) (contact)
Date: 02/17/2023 (search)
Railway: GIO Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: GIO (TRRY) 108 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Welland Tube Spur (search)
City/Town: Welland (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=51192
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  1. Glenn, great capture. I did a drive by Rusholme Road a couple of weeks ago and was wondering about the future for those units. Good to hear they are on the move and hopefully we’ll get to see them enjoying a new life soon.

  2. Ditto what Terry said…. I noticed them off the 140 on Friday…glad they are not being cut up…a couple of years back so many locomotives at the former leased MARTECH site (building recently levelled) …all but memories… I watched GIO 7920 struggle up (south) the Government Spur today 20th…at least 3 attempts to get the grain hoppers up the grade, had to drop a few cars, 7920 really struggled…

  3. This is one remarkable shot. You hit paydirt with this one.

  4. Gio ran on a Sunday? Wild..7 days a week now?

  5. Being Rebuilt at LDS for Gio use.

  6. For those that are new to this hobby/sport this is the original CASO alignment before the Townline tunnel project. The very deep ballast, most of it from the quarries at Hagersville and extra long/wide/&deep ties [hardwood] are the legacy of parent NYC and can still be found if you know where to look. The rail is 127 lbs to the yard and most of it was rolled at the Algoma Steel Works in 1942. During the Second WW 60 to 70 trains a day rolled thru here on this high speed raceway from Detroit to Buffalo. 81 years and still no weeds in the ballast.

  7. @Niagara Mike. Bought by LDS but being rebuilt and sold back to Gio?

  8. Probably leased to GIO if they follow the same trend continuing from their other units. At the moment, they lease 3 units: SW900 #7920, GP9s 1597 and 4003 – all painted in GIO grey but owned by LDS.

  9. The caso / track and signals here is all maintained by CP still as it remains CP owned. Mainline at least

  10. The tube spur is cn. Cp is in welland proper

  11. Jamie with all due respect you may wish to check history and maps again.

    CP signal maintainer maintains rusholme road signals today same as is done on the spur to Vesivius. It’s the same arrangement.

    You are correct on the Vesuvius spur which also remains CP (serviced by Trillium under contract). Both spurs are joint CN/CP ownership after the CASO was handed off in 1985. CP handed it immediately to the TH&B who added it to their area operations, after TH&B was merged into CP in 1987 the CP Welland crews continued to service both spurs. As things retreated other arrangements were made – the diamond at Netherby was in place until 2003, after that time new arrangements with martech/etc were put into place. I’m not exactly sure when the mainline through Coyle yard was removed, but current maps indicate CP still owns that track in Welland but as we know Trillium performs the service.

    While I may not have all the details I can share with you the CASO article from the TH&B Historical Society recently written by John Eull, it’s complete to the 2000′s and quite good and explains in great detail how it was all serviced, consolidated and changed, in fact it’s a great history of how the current service came to be in the former TH&B Territory.

    The Port Colborne stuff is even more fascinating..

  12. Cool yeah I’d appreciate being able to read that. Still hurts my brain that CP would maintain the tube spur haha.

  13. If you read R D Tennants ” Canada Southern Country” nothing should surprise. A tumultuous beginning , many false starts , a lawsuit riddled finish, and American ownership in-between. Vanderbilt [NYC /MC] controlled since 1904. A wonderful Canadian concept, a raceway from Niagara/Buffalo to Detroit, for American freight and passengers. Eventually thru the CNCPND shell company [1985] CP got the east end and is responsible for CASO trackage east of Welland / Coyle yard serving NF and no doubt had to placate CN to reactivate the CASO to get to the TH&B into Port Maitland. CN got the west end and Windsor’s CASO yard and promptly renamed it Van Der Water yard. Everything in between was redundant to CNCPND . Makes for solid maintance free spurs wherever it is used.

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