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In September 1996, VIA Rail had launched the testing of two IC3 Flexliner demonstrator sets on some of their routes throughout Ontario. These new units were designed and built by ADtranz, which was a new company spin-off created from ABB and Daimler-Benz. These two trainsets entered revenue service on September 29, as it was concurrent with the release of the new VIA Rail system timetable that touted the trains as a “commuter service.” 

VIA Rail officials had rolled-out the blue carpets for an official unveiling at the Kitchener station during a weekday afternoon. This trainset was on display for several hours before heading west to Stratford later in the evening on the Guelph Subdivision. However, while everyone in attendance enjoyed the festivities, the daily regular work would continue as here the CN 15:30 Job with CN GP9RM 4124 and it’s train of empty flatcars is pictured slowly passing the event as heads for the Huron Park Spur and the Budd Plant. In the background are caboose 79713 and CN 4138.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Carl Noe (Collection of Jason Noe) all rights reserved.

Caption: In September 1996, VIA Rail had launched the testing of two IC3 Flexliner demonstrator sets on some of their routes throughout Ontario. These new units were designed and built by ADtranz, which was a new company spin-off created from ABB and Daimler-Benz. These two trainsets entered revenue service on September 29, as it was concurrent with the release of the new VIA Rail system timetable that touted the trains as a “commuter service.”
VIA Rail officials had rolled-out the blue carpets for an official unveiling at the Kitchener station during a weekday afternoon. This trainset was on display for several hours before heading west to Stratford later in the evening on the Guelph Subdivision. However, while everyone in attendance enjoyed the festivities, the daily regular work would continue as here the CN 15:30 Job with CN GP9RM 4124 and it’s train of empty flatcars is pictured slowly passing the event as heads for the Huron Park Spur and the Budd Plant. In the background are caboose 79713 and CN 4138.

Carl Noe (Collection of Jason Noe) [1024] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/23/1996 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4124 & VIA Rail IC3 Flexliner (search)
Train Symbol: CN 15:30 Kitchener Job (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Guelph Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Kitchener (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=51691
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  1. CN 4138 is still sporting its ‘AR Illinois’ nose logo from its days in the movie business. :-)

  2. Most interesting. Pity they didn’t find some use for the Flexliners but I understand there was some problem with them not tripping signals or something like that. Probably all politics. We could use this sort of trainset instead of humongous passenger consists….as in along the Grimsby.

  3. I rode it from Georgetown to Kitchener one day. It was like riding a budd car.

  4. From the moment the IC3′s wheels starting turning that Monday morning the reports started coming in about signal issues which ultimately related to poor shunting of various types of track circuits by the IC3. The shunting issue would eventually be the demise of the IC3 on CN rails.

  5. Thanks for all the comments and information guys.

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