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CN 4138 workig it's way down Clarence street with 7 hoppers for Ingenia
Copyright Notice: This image ©James Gardiner all rights reserved.

Caption: CN 4138 workig it's way down Clarence street with 7 hoppers for Ingenia

James Gardiner [671] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/02/2013 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4138 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 580 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Burford Spur (search)
City/Town: Brantford (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=7537
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Photo ID: 6760

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  1. Awesome shot James, I like how you worked in the Manitoulin truck. I should have taken a later lunch!

  2. I should have gone to Brantford today instead of yesterday and gone to Garnet yesterday! Good stuff James :)

  3. The truck may be going faster, but the train is hauling more.

  4. Really nice, James! Do you know if the CN 580 is working 7 days a week?

  5. Nicolas, 580 is the switcher that operates out of the Brantford yard. They do work daily at the yard…if you were wondering about them running downtown to Ingenia, they only go down there on Wednesdays and usually in the afternoon.

  6. Thank you James for the information! I am living in Montreal, Qc, and I’m planning to do some railfanning in Toronto area in February.

  7. Nicolas,
    580 works Sunday to Friday
    as Joseph said they make this trip on Wednesday
    if you have any other questions just ask

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