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Canadian Pacific "Dayliner" RDC-1 9052 trails a 9100-series RDC-2 on train #337 (Toronto-Windsor), stopped at West Toronto station as passengers cross for the station and board from the center platform. The train is viewed from the rear Park car of train #12, the southbound Canadian, making its station stop at the same time. Timetables suggest #337 was due at West Toronto at 6:40pm and #12 at 5:55pm, so it's more likely #12 was running a bit behind schedule on its long trip down from Sudbury to Toronto. In the distance one can barely make out the connecting track that #12 snaked through to get from the MacTier Sub north of the interlocking diamond to the station platforms here. On the right was the small yard on the S-Yard Lead (the old Bruce Service track, today the West Toronto Railpath).

At this time CP ran four Dayliner runs on the Toronto-Windsor (once Toronto-Detroit) corridor, #337-340, but #339/340 (that replaced the #21/22 in 1964) were discontinued a few months later in 1969. CP trains #337 and #338 became the final remnants of the Toronto-Windsor-Detroit corridor passenger service on the Galt Sub, that once hosted more frequent train service with conventional passenger consists. They made their last runs in early July 1971.

Other photos from the day suggest US-based rail photographer Harold Brouse was on a trip coming back from up the Algoma Central and CP operations up north in the Sault St. Marie area, and was taking #12 southbound (with FPA2 4083 & an RS10 as power) back to Toronto, possibly to connect with the CP-TH&B Budd car run back to the US.

H.E. Brouse photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.
Copyright Notice: This image ©H.E.Brouse photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll. all rights reserved.

Caption: Canadian Pacific "Dayliner" RDC-1 9052 trails a 9100-series RDC-2 on train #337 (Toronto-Windsor), stopped at West Toronto station as passengers cross from the station to board from the center platform. The Budds are seen from the rear Park car of train #12, the southbound Canadian, making its station stop at the same time. Timetables suggest #337 was due at West Toronto at 6:40pm and #12 at 5:55pm, so it's more likely #12 was running a bit behind schedule on its long trip down from Sudbury to Toronto. In the distance one can barely make out the connecting track that #12 snaked through to get from the MacTier Sub north of the interlocking diamond to the station platforms here. On the right, beyond CN's Weston Sub mainline tracks, was the small yard on the S-Yard Lead (the Old Bruce service track, today the West Toronto Railpath).

At this time CP ran four Dayliner runs on the Toronto-Windsor (once Toronto-Detroit) corridor, #337-340, but #339/340 (that replaced the #21/22 in 1964) were discontinued a few months later in 1969. CP trains #337 and #338 became the final remnants of the Toronto-Windsor-Detroit corridor passenger service on the Galt Sub, that once hosted more frequent train service with conventional passenger consists. They made their last runs in early July 1971.

Other photos from the day suggest US-based rail photographer Harold Brouse was on a trip coming back from the Algoma Central and CP operations up north in the Sault St. Marie area, and was taking #12 southbound (with FPA2 4083 & an RS10 as power) back to Toronto, possibly to connect with the CP-TH&B Budd car run back to the US.

H.E. Brouse photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.

H.E.Brouse photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll. [1015] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/05/1969 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 9052 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 337 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: West Toronto Station - CP Galt Sub (search)
City/Town: Toronto (West Toronto) (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=54987
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  1. Very nice. Not many pics of this train, especially down in the Windsor area.

  2. mile27, yes shots of them down there seem to be pretty rare. Most I’ve seen are in either Toronto or London, but very few of the RDC cars in Windsor.

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