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Built about 40 years apart, top of the line power from different eras, meet outside of the Walker Yard Diesel Shop in 2024.  CN 6514 and CN 6614 were built in January, 1957 and CN 2553 was built in the fall of 1997.  The F Units spent their career on CN, VIA and the Algoma Central Railway before being acquired by the Alberta Railway Museum.  CN 2553, has so far avoided the rebuild program and is running out its days hauling tonnage across the CN network.  Believe it or not, it won’t be long before the Dash 9s are a thing of the past and, like the FP9s, are something we go out of our way to see and reminisce about at the local Railway museum.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Rob Eull all rights reserved.

Caption: Built about 40 years apart, top of the line power from different eras, meet outside of the Walker Yard Diesel Shop in 2024. CN 6514 and CN 6614 were built in January, 1957 and CN 2553 was built in the fall of 1997. The F Units spent their career on CN, VIA and the Algoma Central Railway before being acquired by the Alberta Railway Museum. CN 2553, has so far avoided the rebuild program and is running out its days hauling tonnage across the CN network. Believe it or not, it won’t be long before the Dash 9s are a thing of the past and, like the FP9s, are something we go out of our way to see and reminisce about at the local Railway museum.

Rob Eull [739] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/20/2024 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 2553 (search)
Train Symbol: CN G 81341 18 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: West Junction - CN Edson Sub (search)
City/Town: Edmonton (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=54818
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  1. For real? Dash-9′s are going to be redundant soon? Apparently they’re not building new locomotives. What will replace them and How come this one has avoided the knife? Thanks for your lovely shot! The F units are definitely a treat.

  2. Brad, it’ll probably get cycled through the rebuild program in due time. CN’s had a bunch of -9′s and SD75I’s stored out of service around the system, and the first SD75I rebuilds are starting to take shape.

  3. For a video of this scene, click the YouTube link below


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