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Aerial photo of Toronto rail yards for CN and CP. I believe this is from the 1930's as the freight yards on front and King are still present. Steam exhaust can been seen in several locations. This is 1 of 4 picture going from West to East. I have an enlargement of this one.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Gary Dolphin all rights reserved.

Caption: Aerial photo of Toronto rail yards for CN and CP. I believe this is from the 1930's as the freight yards on front and King are still present. Steam exhaust can been seen in several locations. This is 1 of 4 picture going from West to East. I have an enlargement of this one.

Gary Dolphin [5] (more) (contact)
Date: 1930's (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Oakville (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=29138
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Photo ID: 27971

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  1. Dizzying. But it’s good before all the condos and offices were built.

  2. Very nice! How did you get this shot as I understand Royal Yourk Hotel in the bottom left was highest building in Toronto at the time.

  3. View from the CN Tower… decades before it was built.

  4. Wow, is that ever special!!It’s a history lesson

  5. @Mike Lockwood And 70 Years before Google Earth. ;)

  6. This would actually be sometime in the mid-late 1950′s at earliest, as the CN Telecommunications (later CNCP) building at 151 Front Street is shown, which was built in the mid-50′s.

  7. This photo is great – it’s near the top of all time on the site.

  8. Yes it is a lovely shot bringing back memories. “Look Mom and Dad…Model trains!”. Was it taken through the glass bottom floor? I remember seeing kids jumping up and down on it maybe hoping to break through? ;)

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