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Yes, it has been over 25 years since the trains left Prince Edward Island. And once upon a time the Emerald Junction station was a busy little place. In this 1977 view we see the Speeders have just come in (coffee time?) and the track of the Kensington Subdivision looks well used. Behind me a quarter mile is the junction of the Borden Sub., which leads to the ferry over to New Brunswick. I understand this station has been restored and preserved, for what purpose I have not heard. Too bad none of the railroad itself was saved.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W. Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Yes, it has been over 25 years since the trains left Prince Edward Island. And once upon a time the Emerald Junction station was a busy little place. In this 1977 view we see the Speeders have just come in (coffee time?) and the track of the Kensington Subdivision looks well used. Behind me a quarter mile is the junction of the Borden Sub., which leads to the ferry over to New Brunswick. I understand this station has been restored and preserved, for what purpose I have not heard. Too bad none of the railroad itself was saved.

A.W. Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/16/1977 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: nil (search)
Train Symbol: nil (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Emerald Jct (search)
City/Town: Emerald Junction (search)
Province: Prince Edward Island (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=19832
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Photo ID: 18714

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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One Comment
  1. Interesting pic of railroading on PEI. Too bad island railroading in Canada is virtually dead, only a logging railway on northern Vancouver Island and the Alberni Pacific Rwy steam train on which I had the good fortune to ride in the cab during a trip out West: http://northamericabyrail.info/canada-west/the-rocky-mountaineer/
    In the US, shortlines have a tax credit of 50 cents for every dollar they invest back in their infrastructure: http://www.peters.senate.gov/content/peters-cosponsors-legislation-promote-investments-short-line-railroads . Can’t help but wonder how many of these lines would have survived had we a similar policy here. Regards, Pete

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