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Gotta love those old GP’s to the rescue! Kudos’s to the crew on 580 who know their rules! The SBU is on the end of the unit pushing. Well done guys.
I watched 2673 struggling with those autoracks up the hill at Copetown….I was surprised it was not assisted even then.
Mr. Gardiner…great shot of the autorack train. Love the angle!
@AW..if the train has a good run up Copetown Hill and the rail is not wet, there is a good chance they will make it. Not sure how many racks were on the train though.
How often does a GP38-2 get Assigned to Brantford now ??
Bruce, the GP38-2/W’s have become pretty consistent since the first one (I believe) showed up late in 2009. I’d guess that they’ve become preferred over the GP9′s for the assignment now with them having to service Stubbs Cement in Princeton, and some traffic from Woodstock area as well
@mercer, Actually its not really the crews preferences that get more 38′s in Brantford. Its what power control has on hand serviceable and ready to go. Luckily its GP38′s more often.