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Work continues on the Central Avenue bridge replacement. A busy spot these days as construction of the bridge deck seems complete. CN 532 a Mac Yrd to Buffalo trains gets ready to depart for Buffalo after seeting on NS traffic in Fort Erie. Things have changed here in 35 years.
Copyright Notice: This image ©ngineered4u all rights reserved.

Caption: Work continues on the Central Avenue bridge replacement. A busy spot these days as construction of the bridge deck seems complete. CN 532 a Mac Yrd to Buffalo trains gets ready to depart for Buffalo after seeting on NS traffic in Fort Erie. Things have changed here in 35 years.

ngineered4u [65] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/14/2016 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: 532 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Stamford (search)
City/Town: Ft. Erie (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=24276
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Photo ID: 23127

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  1. It’ll be sad to see that bridge go. If only they could weld the arch onto the new bridge. Even if it provides nothing more than visual appeal.

    Do you know all the new train numbers? I heard 523 and 524, but 532 is new to me. Thanks for keeping me updated, as I see you warned me of a possible 232 or something. Whatever this new operating plan is, it’s sure hard to keep up with!

  2. Hey Daniel, not sure what the final bridge will look like, but its pretty safe to say it will not be a good as the old one. Hopefully it will still allow for good photographs.
    I do not know all the numbers as they seem to make it up as they go along. 532 certainly was new to me and even we did not know that they changed it to 539 after we departed Ft.Erie. 232 was ordered at 9:45am this morning. I know that any extra trains will be on a “as needed” basis. Stay sharp.

  3. I used to love going to this spot when I was much Younger, I went there more recently and saw limited Action, Its still very nice though, Its a shame to see that bridge gone, they’re finished working on it. They’ve gotten rid of the Top bit, (Not sure what that’s called. Not a big Bridge guy.) Nice picture!

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