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With the flurries flying, CSX 2570 & CSX 2757 head their 39 car train past Lasalle Rd. after interchanging with CN. They departed the station in the sun around 10:00, switched the yard then brought a single tank car down to Praxair before shoving three back to the yard. They then picked up their train of 59 tank cars and headed over to CN, returning here at 15:20.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Myles Roach all rights reserved.

Caption: With the flurries flying, CSX 2570 & CSX 2757 head their 39 car train past Lasalle Rd. after interchanging with CN. They departed the station in the sun around 10:00, switched the yard then brought a single tank car down to Praxair before shoving three back to the yard. They then picked up their train of 59 tank cars and headed over to CN, returning here at 15:20.

Myles Roach [201] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/10/2017 (search)
Railway: CSX Transportation (search)
Reporting Marks: CSX 2570 (search)
Train Symbol: Y120 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: MP 67.60 CSX Sarnia Sub. (search)
City/Town: Sarnia (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=31203
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Photo ID: 30033

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. It’s cool to see a new customer. Nice work.

  2. Actually this customer has been there for a long time, located between Vidal St. and Lasalle Line:

    As for new customers though, there were those short 3-bay silver procor hoppers being unloaded near the OWS carshop in Sarnia Yard (Marc Dease recently caught a transfer with two behind the power) that I haven’t seen before. Actually there used to always be 2&3 bay Winchester & Western hoppers being unloaded there, but I haven’t seen those in a while, and the hoppers that used to be trans-loaded behind the station have been gone for a couple years as well. There were 4 gondolas on this train, interesting. Also the dockside industrial park is continuing to expand building a massive storage yard.

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