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With railfans across the GTA scattering to photograph the NBSR SD70M-2s on 2-230 on a Saturday afternoon, many were opting for wider yet difficult shots where one could frame all 4 cleanly into one shot. I had been instead wasting time away near MacMillan Yard in Vaughan with friends in the hopes we would be ready for the slim chance BCOL 4644's presence would yield a departure in that day. With confirmation of the lead units on the last 2 outbound trains via scanner and a notification that 2-230 began working Lambton, I scrambled back to the North Toronto Sub with one of said friends, sacrificing some of our other options for locations by instead sticking to locations with fastest public transit access. My friend went for the Howland Signals about 200m west of me whilst I found a little opening in the foliage with a clean line of sight for about 20 metres from the tracks, ideal for panning. Using an unreliable, yet tried and true method of spraying and praying, this frame became part of the yield.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Eric Fallas all rights reserved.

Caption: With railfans across the GTA scattering to photograph the NBSR SD70M-2s on 2-230 on a Saturday afternoon, many were opting for wider yet difficult shots where one could frame all 4 cleanly into one shot. I had been instead wasting time away near MacMillan Yard in Vaughan with friends in the hopes we would be ready for the slim chance BCOL 4644's presence would yield a departure in that day. With confirmation of the lead units on the last 2 outbound trains via scanner and a notification that 2-230 began working Lambton, I scrambled back to the North Toronto Sub with one of said friends, sacrificing some of our other options for locations by instead sticking to locations with fastest public transit access. My friend went for the Howland Signals about 200m west of me whilst I found a little opening in the foliage with a clean line of sight for about 20 metres from the tracks, ideal for panning. Using an unreliable, yet tried and true method of spraying and praying, this frame became part of the yield.

Eric Fallas [55] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/28/2023 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: NBSR 6408, NBSR 6409 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 2-230-27 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: North Toronto (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=51011
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Photo ID: 49720

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Nicely executed !

  2. A mirror image Eric. Great work!

  3. This is a great execution, nicely done

  4. Thanks for the positive feedback everyone!

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