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With all the Canadian Chessie power retired and stored, replacement units from the states started showing up.First WM chop nose GP9,s Despised by the crews and not just for there homely appearance,  replacements for these units wasn't far off.
Copyright Notice: This image ©darrell lupson all rights reserved.

Caption: With all the Canadian Chessie power retired and stored, replacement units from the states started showing up.First WM chop nose GP9,s Despised by the crews and not just for there homely appearance, replacements for these units wasn't far off.

darrell lupson [110] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/00/1984 (search)
Railway: Chessie System (search)
Reporting Marks: WM 6410 (search)
Train Symbol: N/A (search)
Subdivision/SNS: St Thomas (search)
City/Town: St Thomas (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=22727
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  1. Wow! This shot has everything. Classic EMD power, roundhouse/turntable, cabooses, and a wooden, outside braces boxcar. Great work! :)

  2. Why we’re all Canadian units stored?

  3. At the time of this photo 12 geeps and three sw series units where stored. There car-bodies banned so no parts could be removed. Number boards, bells and even steps disappeared from these units. If memory serves correct one sw unit was used in Sarnia for a short time after these units where moved there.

  4. very nice, while the unit uis ugly as sin this is a great scene. looking forward to more if you have em :)

  5. curious why the Canadian units were banned…

  6. I think he was referring to steel banding to prevent vandalism etc.

  7. Thanks!

  8. Yes, the engineroom doors were closed and held in place by banding iron, to prevent theft or interference with the parts. Only one switcher SW9 made it out of Canada with the rest of the gp7′s. They were all purchased by Lambton Cartage & Warehousing. 5744 was actually leased for a short term to Petrosar. LC&W resold them to Herzog Contracting of St. Joseph MO and a few of them still live today. Herzog was small then but they are quite large now; they own numerous track and right of way machines that we all have seen, look like old DIVCO milk trucks, LOL

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