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-While leading an all MLW consist CP M630 No. 4563 is westbound out of
Cambridge Ontario about to duck under the Cedar Creek Rd overpass.
Delivered from MLW (11/1969) as a member of the first independently
constructed M630’s the unit would prove to be a survivalist. Originally
intended to be identified 4517, the big six motor would be accepted as
4575 under a new numbering strategy launched by CP to segregate
locomotives equipped with then new fangled remote control gear for
British Columbia unit train coal service. Alterations to the on board
remote control gear in 1971 resulted in the unit being renumbered to
4563. Retired in 1993, No. 4563 would be among the handful of ‘phoenix’
units unretired and returned to service in 1994. Finally ‘put out to
pasture’ by CP at the end of 1995 fate would intervene once again and
4563 would be spruced up and donated the Canadian Railway Museum (now
Exporail) in Delson, QC. A detailed history of 4563 was published in
No. 511 of Canadian Rail.-
Copyright Notice: This image ©Norm Conway photo Stuart Streit col all rights reserved.

Caption: -While leading an all MLW consist CP M630 No. 4563 is westbound out of Cambridge Ontario about to duck under the Cedar Creek Rd overpass. Delivered from MLW (11/1969) as a member of the first independently constructed M630’s the unit would prove to be a survivalist. Originally intended to be identified 4517, the big six motor would be accepted as 4575 under a new numbering strategy launched by CP to segregate locomotives equipped with then new fangled remote control gear for British Columbia unit train coal service. Alterations to the on board remote control gear in 1971 resulted in the unit being renumbered to 4563.

Retired in 1993, No. 4563 would be among the handful of ‘phoenix’ units unretired and returned to service in 1994. Finally ‘put out to pasture’ by CP at the end of 1995 fate would intervene once again and 4563 would be spruced up and donated the Canadian Railway Museum (now Exporail) in Delson, QC. A detailed history of 4563 was published in Issue No. 511 of Canadian Rail.-

Norm Conway photo Stuart Streit col [35] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/00/1985 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 4563 (search)
Train Symbol: UNK (search)
Subdivision/SNS: UNK (search)
City/Town: Cambridge (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=40440
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  1. Beautiful.

  2. Would love to know how that sounded….

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