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While KCS power these days in Canada is anything but rare, KCS leaders still are somewhat of a rarity, at least for now. After leading loaded ethanol train 528 east, KCSM  4872 remained in the lead for the return trip as train 529. Here it is seen rolling westward through Erindale on an overcast fall morning.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Marcus W Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: While KCS power these days in Canada is anything but rare, KCS leaders still are somewhat of a rarity, at least for now. After leading loaded ethanol train 528 east, KCSM 4872 remained in the lead for the return trip as train 529. Here it is seen rolling westward through Erindale on an overcast fall morning.

Marcus W Stevens [1078] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/10/2023 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific Kansas City (search)
Reporting Marks: KCSM 4872 (search)
Train Symbol: 529 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Galt subdivision (search)
City/Town: Erindale (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=53078
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Photo ID: 51770

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  1. Not for long, about 200 KCS locomotives have been reactivated by CPKC which KCS had parked prior to the merger.

    More seem to be coming,about 30 to 40 per month. A large number of them are rumoured to be modified to lead in Canada. CPKC has plans to use these system wide it would seem.

  2. I’d be more then happy to get a little more variety.

  3. @SCH: That’s what I was expecting. It should last a while too as I imagine it will take some time to get the fleet repainted into the new CPKC paint scheme. Depending on how many CP vs. KCS locomotives there are, it should be about 50/50 chance in the coming months to get a KCS leader. We’ll see.

  4. Very nice, great composition, thanks for sharing, John

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