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While it may not look like it, this bunk car was still in service and was a home-on-the-road for members of the TH&B wrecking crew.  This coach along with several others were stored 'ready to go' at TH&B's Aberdeen Avenue yard in this mid-1974 photo.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Paul O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: While it may not look like it, this bunk car was still in service and was a home-on-the-road for members of the TH&B wrecking crew. This coach along with several others were stored 'ready to go' at TH&B's Aberdeen Avenue yard in this mid-1974 photo.

Paul O'Shell [451] (more) (contact)
Date: Summer 1974 (search)
Railway: Toronto Hamilton & Buffalo (search)
Reporting Marks: TH&B X-762 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Aberdeen Avenue Yard / Hamilton Sub. (search)
City/Town: Hamilton, ON (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=5871
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  1. Where did these old cars ever end up?

  2. Arnold,
    The majority of these ex-revenue passenger cars that were converted to OCS accommodation ended up facing a scrappers torch or alligator shear. Not sure what happened to these particular TH&B cars but I am sure CP got some use out of them after the merger. The many CN coaches & box cars I lived in during my early railway days are long gone in favour of the new modular housing units and motel lodging.

  3. It is remarkable to see any photos of this sort of rolling stock these days. I was first impressed with this photo because I could relate to it. Back on Apr. 4, 1979, I wandered into Hamilton, and down at Stuart St. CN yards were 3 old TH&B coaches; Numbers 75, 73 and 303, looking about like what you pictured. Because they were on CN, I had wondered if they were sold. Probably better I find someone who is a member of the TH&B historical society for my questions, but keep getting the impression these may have been saved. But where?? Anyway, great to visit the past for a moment, if only by photographs!!! THANKS for posting your historical image.

  4. As far as I know all th&b coaches have been scrapped/dismantled except for coach #74 Wich is still in service and the south Simcoe heritage railway in Tottenham Ontario

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