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Where it all began for me - this is my origin story - how I got into 'trains'. We all have our story and this is mine: Back in 1978 when I was about 1 my parents bought a house in Brampton right beside what was then the CPR Owen Sound subdivision on English St. These were brick townhomes and fairly new, there was little in the way of vegetation and you could easily see the trains passing from not only the back window but my parents bedroom window, and I quickly grew to know this. Where I'm standing in this photo is precisely the location I would have looked at - the townhouses are just to the left. My mom told me a story many years ago, when I was 2, she would find me downstairs looking out the back porch window watching a train, having thrown myself behind the curtain, whispering in toddler language: 
"Boxcar... tank car... boxcar...." then at the top of my lungs: "CABOOSE!" 
A cute story to imagine - I do have memories of trains and speeders that passed, and it seemed far busier back then - considering the volume of trains that would run to Orangeville and up the branches to Owen Sound and Elmira, plus the CNR interchange track. By 1981 we moved to Meadowvale and any tracks were a bit of a drive away. But the seed had been planted and it never left me. Thanks to an encouraging Grandfather (Maurice 'mo' Swainson, passed in '89, RIP) who was into model trains and part of a model train club (not quite sure which one! was either in Clarkson and/or Burlington areas - anyone remember? His prized possession was an orange French TGV set! - PM me if you remember!) and my dad who took me to many tracks for entertainment, I was always somewhat in touch with the railways in some way or another. In 1988 on a trip to Toronto I bought along with me a camera and did take some train photos (including a CP at USRC!), but I lost one of the rolls and only processed one. I should have kept going, but didn't bother again until finishing university , with a job and some cash, bought a camera and I'm still at it today :)

Ahh memories. I'd been longing to make this nostalgic trip one day and of course, it had to be when OBRY would be granted another CPR loaner unit. Long hood forward sure looks different... doesn't it.
What's your origin story? Share one if you find the time and the photo to go with it :) Thanks for reading!
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: Where it all began for me - this is my origin story - how I got into 'trains'. We all have our story and this is mine: Back in 1978 when I was about 1 my parents bought a house in Brampton right beside what was then the CPR Owen Sound subdivision on English St. These were brick townhomes and fairly new, there was little in the way of vegetation and you could easily see the trains passing from not only the back window but my parents bedroom window, and I quickly grew to know this. Where I'm standing in this photo is precisely the location I would have looked at - the townhouses are just to the left. My mom told me a story many years ago, when I was 2, she would find me downstairs looking out the back porch window watching a train, having thrown myself behind the curtain, whispering in toddler language:

"Boxcar... tank car... boxcar...." then at the top of my lungs: "CABOOSE!"

A cute story to imagine - I do have memories of trains and speeders that passed, and it seemed far busier back then - considering the volume of trains that would run to Orangeville and up the branches to Owen Sound and Elora, plus the CNR interchange track. By 1981 we moved to Meadowvale and any tracks were a bit of a drive away. But the seed had been planted and it never left me. Thanks to an encouraging Grandfather (Maurice 'mo' Swainson, passed in '89, RIP) who was into model trains and part of a model train club (not quite sure which one! was either in Clarkson and/or Burlington areas - anyone remember? His prized possession was an orange French TGV set! - PM me if you remember!) and my dad who took me to many tracks for entertainment, I was always somewhat in touch with the railways in some way or another. In 1988 on a trip to Toronto I bought along with me a camera and did take some train photos (including a CP at USRC!), but I lost one of the rolls and only processed one. I should have kept going, but didn't bother again until finishing university , with a job and some cash, bought a camera and I'm still at it today :)

Ahh memories. I'd been longing to make this nostalgic trip one day and of course, it had to be when OBRY would be granted another CPR loaner unit. Long hood forward sure looks different... doesn't it.

What's your origin story? Share one if you find the time and the photo to go with it :) Thanks for reading!

Stephen C. Host [1538] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/02/2016 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 2261 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Brampton, CPR Owen Sound Sub (search)
City/Town: Brampton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=24090
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Photo ID: 22941

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  1. Stephen – you and I are not only the same age, but have very similar stories to share. I was born in Listowel – my parents lived beside the rail yards at Palmerston. Any time travelling anywhere as a youngster I would yell “TRAIN” or TRAIN TRACK!” at the top of my lungs whenever I saw either.

    I too had a great role model – it was my grandfather (Ralph Mellow – RIP 2010)who took his two grandsons (myself and my brother) on many trips to the Napanee, Ontario train station. His interest further helped me to where I am today – loving trains, stations, just the whole railway scene. He was knowledgable…and taught me many things about being around the station and/or tracks…first and foremost safety! After years of him driving us around, he always enjoyed the trips I would take him on when I was older.

  2. Great story Steve. Now I know why you chose that location for a shot. Turned out well, and yes, those units sure do look “brutish” running long hood forward.

  3. Sweet shot Steve, and great narrative!

  4. Agreed on their look – they are almost Robotic in appearance. Not too many curved lines, a mis-mash of squared lines.

  5. Stephen..I actually started out on Trucks as an aspiring toddler :) . As I was told by my parents…when I would see them I would point them out constantly…well, the more and more I kept doing it..the word truck morphed into fruck. And, as you might imagine. my parents began aghast as more often than not, the “r” wasn’t completely heard blurting it out as a toddler. Well..it seems my father migrated me to trains to change things…and it worked.

  6. That was a good story Steve. My origin story would probably start in the backseat of my parents Toyota when dad would stop at the tracks to grab a photo…there are many pictures of me watching trains out at Powerline Road from the baby stroller.

    Thinking about a photo though, this one sticks with me: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=6211

    Dad would take me up to Brantford every Sunday to visit our friend Scott who owned the model train store in the station and to watch trains. Brantford has always been a favourite and always will. I guess that is my origin

  7. Nice stories everyone :) Jow I guess your origin story was already on the site – good work. :)

  8. Hi Stephen. I believe the Model Railroad club your Grandfather (rip) belonged to was the Erin Mills club that actually met at the Church next to community centre on Truscott in Clarkson. They also ran their modular layout in an empty store (well not so empty when they were there) at Sheridan Mall. I knew a bunch of those guys but when they were in the mall I had left the hobby at 17 – 18 yrs of age because of girls and Rock n roll only to return 15 Yrs later. ;)

  9. Brad, I’d be interested in any photos of the club in the 80′s. Thank you for your research.

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