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Where are these units now? NS  SD60 6575 and GP38AC (high hood) 4106 rocket past the Grimsby station with the usual short train in tow. Was at my dads for the weekend and took my brother out for a few quick trains - 5 trains in 1.5 hours at Grimsby (339/338/332 NS 327/NS 328). Thank goodness i got all EMD on this one - much preferred the EMD NS trains than the others, which was usually a pair of dash 9's. 50% chance Dash 9's, 50% chance something good. The odds were still worth it, the power changed almost daily.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: Where are these units now? NS SD60 6575 and GP38AC (high hood) 4106 rocket past the Grimsby station with the usual short train in tow. Was at my dads for the weekend and took my brother out for a few quick trains - 5 trains in 1.5 hours at Grimsby (339/338/332 NS 327/NS 328). Thank goodness i got all EMD on this one - much preferred the EMD NS trains than the others, which was usually a pair of dash 9's. 50% chance Dash 9's, 50% chance something good. The odds were still worth it, the power changed almost daily. BTW, Arnold, should I have asked permission to be in your territory? :)

Stephen C. Host [1542] (more) (contact)
Date: 02/19/2005 (search)
Railway: Norfolk Southern (search)
Reporting Marks: NS 6575, NS 4106 (search)
Train Symbol: NS 328 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Grimsby (search)
City/Town: Grimsby (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39115
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Photo ID: 37921

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  1. NS 328 met 327 at Jordan and 327 would pass me about 35 minutes later.

    Also note the silhouette in second unit, a third man on the crew. A third man was added when 344 and 343 was cancelled in 2004 due to rock solid Wabash union agreement.

  2. Stephen, what were trains 344 and 343?

  3. NS trains from St Thomas to Detroit (and back).



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