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When I first spotted this interesting little WP&Y car it was surrounded by grass and sitting on the rails behind the locomotive shed in city of Whitehorse YT. Having grown up in southern Ontario and living out west I have seen lots of section cars but none as large as this, so I did a little research and came up with an answer that could be totally incorrect! In the early 19th century there was a company in Harvey Illinois called the Buda Co. that built section motor cars. In Dawson City Yukon the museum has the body of a Buda car with no wheels. That puts a Buda car in Yukon at the time period of the KMR, and the KMR did buy equipment from the WP&Y so maybe the car in the picture was also made by the Buda Co. It does not look home made. Having said that it does have a nice drivers seat. Does it still exist, that I can't answer. All the buildings in the background were occupied by squatters who have since left the area.
Copyright Notice: This image ©J W Booth all rights reserved.

Caption: When I first spotted this interesting little WP&Y car it was surrounded by grass and sitting on the rails behind the locomotive shed in city of Whitehorse YT. Having grown up in southern Ontario and living out west I have seen lots of section cars but none as large as this, so I did a little research and came up with an answer that could be totally incorrect! In the early 19th century there was a company in Harvey Illinois called the Buda Co. that built section motor cars. In Dawson City Yukon the museum has the body of a Buda car with no wheels. That puts a Buda car in Yukon at the time period of the KMR, and the KMR did buy equipment from the WP&Y so maybe the car in the picture was also made by the Buda Co. It does not look home made. Having said that it does have a nice drivers seat. Does it still exist, that I can't answer. All the buildings in the background were occupied by squatters who have since left the area.

J W Booth [115] (more) (contact)
Date: 08-11-1982 (search)
Railway: White Pass and Yukon (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Whitehorse (search)
City/Town: Whitehorse (search)
Province: Yukon (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=45737
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Photo ID: 44493

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One Comment
  1. Rather amusing little buggy, isn’t it?

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