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When I first arrived in Dawson City during the summer of 1982 I had no idea that I would find a group of old steam locomotives sitting in town! They were in various states of disrepair and I was attracted to them like a magnet to a nail. Whitehorse, steam locomotives OK, Dawson City, steam locomotives? That it was time to learn a little, most assuredly. Almost all of them had yellow numbers painted on them. They all belonged to the "Klondike Mines Railway" a short line between Dawson City and Sulfur Springs. The line was about 32 miles long. It's gauge was 3 ft 0 inches. The attached picture is of KMR #1 a Brooks Mogul (2-6-0) built in 1881. It is one of the oldest locomotives preserved in Canada. Built for the KCR in the USA then sold to the Alberta Railway and Coal Co, and sold again to the YP&Y, after the WP&Y was done with it she was barged up river to Dawson City to end it's active life. Today it rests in the Dawson City museum locomotive shelter and is being cosmetically restored.
Copyright Notice: This image ©J W Booth all rights reserved.

Caption: When I first arrived in Dawson City during the summer of 1982 I had no idea that I would find a group of old steam locomotives sitting in town! They were in various states of disrepair and I was attracted to them like a magnet to a nail. Whitehorse, steam locomotives OK, Dawson City, steam locomotives? That it was time to learn a little, most assuredly. Almost all of them had yellow numbers painted on them. They all belonged to the "Klondike Mines Railway" a short line between Dawson City and Sulfur Springs. The line was about 32 miles long. It's gauge was 3 ft 0 inches. The attached picture is of KMR #1 a Brooks Mogul (2-6-0) built in 1881. It is one of the oldest locomotives preserved in Canada. Built for the KCR in the USA then sold to the Alberta Railway and Coal Co, and sold again to the YP&Y, after the WP&Y was done with it she was barged up river to Dawson City to end it's active life. Today it rests in the Dawson City museum locomotive shelter and is being cosmetically restored.

J W Booth [115] (more) (contact)
Date: 08-06-1982 (search)
Railway: Other (search)
Reporting Marks: KMR #1 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Dawson City (search)
City/Town: Dawson City (search)
Province: Yukon (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=45574
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