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Werkspoor ' TEE ' #1981 powers Saturday only Northlander equipped VIA train #120 on approach to CN Washago.

Daily except Saturday Trains 121 and 122 were ONR operated  Northlander service, while weekend trains 120 on Saturday, 123 Friday and Sunday and 124 Sunday were Toronto / North Bay  service only and operated for VIA. 

The four Werkspoor 'TEE' *  units powered the four Northlander train sets at the 1976 introduction to Canada until mid 1980 when all trainsets were repowered with modified ONR FP7a units ( ONR 1519 to 1984 ; 1518 to 1985; 1501 to 1986; 1510 to 1987 ). Apparently the Werkspoor power was challenged by the northern Ontario operating conditions.

CN Washago  was impressive at one time with a  four track main passing under the highway #11 overpass: nearest track is the service track, next two is the Bala Subdivision siding and main, far side is Newmarket Subdivision siding and main, certainly looks different here today.

Also impressive, even up to 1989, Washago was well served weekly with 44 through passenger * trains stopping...(only find that number of weekly passenger scheduled stops in corridor service London, Kingston etc): those weekly 44 trains at Washago: 

14 VIA #9 & #10 ( Toronto section daily VIA Canadian);

 12 ONR #121 and #122 Northlander daily except Saturday;

 14 VIA / ONR over night pool trains #128 & #129 daily Northland; 

and the four weekend trains #120, #123, #124 ( shown on the Timetable as conventional, normally  Northlander equipped). 

* built for and originally designated Trans Europe Express service

May 12, 1979 Kodak Kodachrome 64 transported by a Nikkormat EL, by S.Danko. 
What's interesting, even five years after the September 2012 ONR Northlander discontinuance the Northern MPP's continue to receive constituents requests for a return of the Northlander service , and note a Provincial election is looming within the next year (2018). 

More Northlander:

         by Albert  

          by Bill T  
      Trout Creek  
Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.


Werkspoor ' TEE ' #1981 powers Saturday only Northlander equipped VIA train #120 on approach to CN Washago.

Daily except Saturday Trains 121 and 122 were ONR operated Northlander service, while weekend trains 120 on Saturday, 123 Friday and Sunday and 124 Sunday were Toronto / North Bay service only and operated for VIA.

The four Werkspoor 'TEE' * units powered the four Northlander train sets at the 1976 introduction to Canada until mid 1980 when all trainsets were repowered with modified ONR FP7a units ( ONR 1519 to 1984 ; 1518 to 1985; 1501 to 1986; 1510 to 1987 ). Apparently the Werkspoor power was challenged by the northern Ontario operating conditions.

CN Washago was impressive at one time with a four track main passing under the highway #11 overpass: nearest track is the service track, next two is the Bala Subdivision siding and main, far side is Newmarket Subdivision siding and main, certainly looks different here today.

Also impressive, even up to 1989, Washago was well served weekly with 44 through passenger * trains stopping...(only find that number of weekly passenger scheduled stops in corridor service London, Kingston etc): those weekly 44 trains at Washago:

14 VIA #9 & #10 ( Toronto section daily VIA Canadian);

12 ONR #121 and #122 Northlander daily except Saturday;

14 VIA / ONR over night pool trains #128 & #129 daily Northland;

and the four weekend trains #120, #123, #124 ( shown on the Timetable as conventional, normally Northlander equipped).

* built for and originally designated Trans Europe Express service

May 12, 1979 Kodak Kodachrome 64 transported by a Nikkormat EL, by S.Danko.

What's interesting, even five years after the September 2012 ONR Northlander discontinuance the Northern MPP's continue to receive constituents requests for a return of the Northlander service , and note a Provincial election is looming within the next year (2018).

More Northlander:

by Albert

by Bill T

Trout Creek




sdfourty [725] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/12/1979 (search)
Railway: Ontario Northland (search)
Reporting Marks: ONR #1981 (search)
Train Symbol: VIA #120 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Washago (search)
City/Town: Washago (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=29540
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