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We're aboard CP GP35 5012 - today it was leading the "Starlight" - CP's daily Agincourt Yard to TH&B Aberdeen Yard turn- back in the 70's. Legendary Hamilton pool hogger Frank "Smokey" Anderson looks into the late afternoon winter sun, heading westward, somewhere on the CN Oakville Sub with a look of disgust...as the CN, once again, isn't co-operative with green signals. Smokey was a regular on the "Kinnear", the "Starlight", "Extra Hams" and Acid trains...and his distinctive voice was unmistakable one the radio. Back then, as the train would pass through curves...the tail-end would be heard on the radio "all black on the south side Starlight" meaning they couldn't see any potential hot boxes/sticking brakes.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Greg Roach all rights reserved.

Caption: We're aboard CP GP35 5012 - today it was leading the "Starlight" - CP's daily Agincourt Yard to TH&B Aberdeen Yard turn- back in the 70's. Legendary Hamilton pool hogger Frank "Smokey" Anderson looks into the late afternoon winter sun, heading westward, somewhere on the CN Oakville Sub with a look of disgust...as the CN, once again, isn't co-operative with green signals. Smokey was a regular on the "Kinnear", the "Starlight", "Extra Hams" and Acid trains...and his distinctive voice was unmistakable one the radio. Back then, as the train would pass through curves...the tail-end would be heard on the radio "all black on the south side Starlight" meaning they couldn't see any potential hot boxes/sticking brakes.

Greg Roach [69] (more) (contact)
Date: December 10 1978 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 5012 (search)
Train Symbol: Starlight (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Oakville Sub (search)
City/Town: Oakville Sub (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=22739
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Photo ID: 21600

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  1. Very nice.

  2. Great photo Greg, and very nice caption too which tells the story. It’s railroading photos like these that I like, they not only portray the equipment, but the people, and the work atmosphere. That’s why I also like O. Winston Link’s photos, they were similarly well done.

  3. lostshoeranch – Thanks. I like shooting stuff “other than the sunny day 3/4 locomotive type shot”


  4. Uncle Frank was my uncle. He was an outstanding deeply loving man. I had the privilege of officiating at his funeral.

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