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Well.  421 was pulling through the lead about 750 am when the Oakville yardmaster observed from the camera some cars going sideways. Crew alerted..the brakeman walked back and reported 4 cars on the ground...same spot of previous derailments.
Copyright Notice: This image ©greg Roach all rights reserved.

Caption: Well. 421 was pulling through the lead about 750 am when the Oakville yardmaster observed from the camera some cars going sideways. Crew alerted..the brakeman walked back and reported 4 cars on the ground...same spot of previous derailments.

greg Roach [69] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/20/2017 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 421 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 421 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Aldershot (search)
City/Town: Burlington (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=29868
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  1. Bill Purdy and I were standing on the Laking Gardens pedestrian bridge wondering why 421 was running so late—now we know—thanks Greg

  2. Oops.. looks like 421 trying to use the old jog in the tracks that was removed..

  3. update 6 pm…cranes re railing the last car

  4. There is no old jog anymore. 421 was headed out of what we call the lower yard. KA33 to KA39. Most big trains like 421/422 normally use the long tracks KA 30-32 to do their set off or lift. The track with the covered hopper is KA30 and 421 might have been using the lower yard for a set off or a lift. Seems they derailed at the switch that leads from the lower yard to the service track. As long as no one was hurt.

  5. Phil, you are lucky you’re “in storage” right now…the comments I could of made when I posted this :)

    Seriously….any thoughts why this spot has been prone to derailments…and usually with auto racks?

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