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WELCOME TO THE CHATHAM DEPOT! It was 2003 when I first made a trek back to southwestern Ontario, with another railfanning friend. We pulled off all the stops that we could, at current and former stations within the area - it was a full day that started at 7am, and ended around 8:30pm. One of the last remaining stations we stopped at, was here in Chatham. Who knew back then that I would eventually become an official resident, and that this station would become just another piece of history.But back in 2003, much like I have learned about this town, it was a warm welcome. Sadly, things were altered with time. This sign, and the depot have all but vanished, declared surplus and no longer needed. A portion of the brick platform does still exist. The diamond with the CP was first removed, and so too was the diamond removed from the CN/VIA line just a couple of years ago. CN took over operations south from Chatham and Blenheim, producing the weekly chasing of L514. The Municipality of Chatham-Kent purchased the section basically between Wallaceburg and Chatham, which until recently was purchased by a numbered company. Will this line return to its former glory? We can only hope....but it will no longer be the same as it once was.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Todd Steinman all rights reserved.

Caption: WELCOME TO THE CHATHAM DEPOT! It was 2003 when I first made a trek back to southwestern Ontario, with another railfanning friend. We pulled off all the stops that we could, at current and former stations within the area - it was a full day that started at 7am, and ended around 8:30pm. One of the last remaining stations we stopped at, was here in Chatham. Who knew back then that I would eventually become an official resident, and that this station would become just another piece of history.But back in 2003, much like I have learned about this town, it was a warm welcome. Sadly, things were altered with time. This sign, and the depot have all but vanished, declared surplus and no longer needed. A portion of the brick platform does still exist. The diamond with the CP was first removed, and so too was the diamond removed from the CN/VIA line just a couple of years ago. CN took over operations south from Chatham and Blenheim, producing the weekly chasing of L514. The Municipality of Chatham-Kent purchased the section basically between Wallaceburg and Chatham, which until recently was purchased by a numbered company. Will this line return to its former glory? We can only hope....but it will no longer be the same as it once was.

Todd Steinman [275] (more) (contact)
Date: Dec. 2003 (search)
Railway: CSX Transportation (search)
Reporting Marks: Preservation (search)
Train Symbol: Preservation (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Ex C&O Subdivison #2 (search)
City/Town: Chatham (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=41503
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