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Welcome back, 1994. Nothing is ever simple on the railroad. Today was no exception. The mysterious "someone" at CP decided to hang an extra 5000+ feet of empty autoracks on the tail end of a loaded ballast train powered by "classics". Great idea,m except they stalled on the Meadowvale Hill. Luckily, 230 which sat at Milton for most of the day waiting for a new crew was around, so their lead unit became the pusher; trashing their trip.The GE shoved the ballast train all the way to Guelph Junction, before cutting off, grabbing their train and heading for Toronto. 

But a couple of hours later than planned, 1994 returns as 6308 and 5996 storm the remnants of Killean Siding making their soon-to-be successful run at Orr's Lake Hill. GM's in run 8...life is good.
Copyright Notice: This image ©David Brook all rights reserved.

Caption: Welcome back, 1994. Nothing is ever simple on the railroad. Today was no exception. The mysterious "someone" at CP decided to hang an extra 5000+ feet of empty autoracks on the tail end of a loaded ballast train powered by "classics". Great idea,m except they stalled on the Meadowvale Hill. Luckily, 230 which sat at Milton for most of the day waiting for a new crew was around, so their lead unit became the pusher; trashing their trip.The GE shoved the ballast train all the way to Guelph Junction, before cutting off, grabbing their train and heading for Toronto. But a couple of hours later than planned, 1994 returns as 6308 and 5996 storm the remnants of Killean Siding making their soon-to-be successful run at Orr's Lake Hill. GM's in run 8...life is good.

David Brook [863] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/20/2023 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific Kansas City (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 6308 5996 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CP Galt Sub, Killean (search)
City/Town: Cambridge (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=52730
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Photo ID: 51423

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  1. Great shot.

  2. The railroads are run by people who disregard the laws of physics.

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