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We find a very interesting lash up on todays CP 242 with CP 8720 (ES44AC) leading CP 2264 (GP20C-ECO) and CEFX 6009 (GMD SD60). The CEFX 6009 was sold in 2006 to the Indiana Railway as Ex-SOO 6009 according to the CTG and shows as O left. Some how it has made its way to CEFX but still shows its original white and red SOO colours.
Copyright Notice: This image ©BPurdy all rights reserved.

Caption: We find a very interesting lash up on todays CP 242 with CP 8720 (ES44AC) leading CP 2264 (GP20C-ECO) and CEFX 6009 (GMD SD60). The CEFX 6009 was sold in 2006 to the Indiana Railway as Ex-SOO 6009 according to the CTG and shows as O left. Some how it has made its way to CEFX but still shows its original white and red SOO colours.

BPurdy [410] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/27/2016 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 8720 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 242 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Galt sub (search)
City/Town: Campbellville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=25164
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Photo ID: 24015

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  1. I recall seeing x-SOO 6011 lettered “Indiana Rwy” running on CP’s #254 back in 11/2011. And a forgotten number in the series on CN’s #271 around that time as well. Consider this a rare catch.

  2. I didn’t think they were ever *sold* to INRD, merely lettered for them on a 2-3 year lease; all but 6013 are the property of CIT Equipment/ CEFX since CP dropped the renewal on them back then. They were used by INRD to repay horsepower hours to CP for the Rosemont coke trains

  3. And now 6009 is off to CAD Lachine Que for semi major work ( electrical probs etc) as CEFX utilizes CAD for contract work; it had been in possession of ZTR at the OSR Salford complex.

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