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Waterton Park (#15517) is in charge of the markers on VIA #9.

   At CN Oriole, June 29, 1986 Kodachrome by S.Danko


   At right is the remains of the CNoR 1906 built Duncan Ontario station, CNoR Mile 11.1 located near the CNoR Leaside Spur junction.

   As of February 2023, VIA owned Budd built cars at CAD Railway Industries in Lachine, P.Q.:

   All ex CP except as noted: Club Galley Coach 4006 (ex Southern 815), coach 8126, 8138 (ex NYC 2954), 8222 Chateau Richelieu, 8402 Alexandra (stripped bare), Skyline 8517, 8714 Strathcona Park (some windows removed), 8717 Waterton Park,  and RDC-2 6208 (stripped).

 A Transport Canada Rail Safety order requires inspection and testing of four VIA owned Budd built passenger cars by March 31, 2023. Inspection and testing to be conducted by the National Research Council testing facility near Ottawa and includes squeeze and tension frame testing. So far it is unclear which Budd built cars are to be sent for inspection and /or testing.

An access for information request revealed (per Eric Gagnon) "VIA Rail train cars #8222 and #8138 were prepared and shipped to the National ResearchCouncil on November 6, 2022." 

   More Oriole: 


Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.


Waterton Park (#15517) is in charge of the markers on VIA #9.

At CN Oriole, June 29, 1986 Kodachrome by S.Danko


At right is the remains of the CNoR 1906 built Duncan Ontario station, CNoR Mile 11.1 located near the CNoR Leaside Spur junction.

As of February 2023, VIA owned Budd built cars at CAD Railway Industries in Lachine, P.Q.:

All ex CP except as noted: Club Galley Coach 4006 (ex Southern 815), coach 8126, 8138 (ex NYC 2954), 8222 Chateau Richelieu, 8402 Alexandra (stripped bare), Skyline 8517, 8714 Strathcona Park (some windows removed), 8717 Waterton Park, and RDC-2 6208 (stripped).

A Transport Canada Rail Safety order requires inspection and testing of four VIA owned Budd built passenger cars by March 31, 2023. Inspection and testing to be conducted by the National Research Council testing facility near Ottawa and includes squeeze and tension frame testing. So far it is unclear which Budd built cars are to be sent for inspection and /or testing.

An access for information request revealed (per Eric Gagnon) "VIA Rail train cars #8222 and #8138 were prepared and shipped to the National ResearchCouncil on November 6, 2022."

More Oriole:



sdfourty [725] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/29/1986 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA#6301 (search)
Train Symbol: VIA#9 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Oriole (search)
City/Town: North York (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=51111
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  1. Very nice shot.

  2. A cool spot not often shot!

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