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VIA train 70 (Windsor to Toronto), in a mix of colour schemes, is approaching Aldershot station on a cold winter morning. GMD F40PH-3 VIA 6405 leads a stainless steel baggage coach, 5 LRC coaches, and GE P42dc VIA 916 pushing.  Meanwhile CN train 421 (Macmillan Yard to Port Robinson) is on its way out of Aldershot Yard, easing down toward CN Snake to await its signal. CN 421 is powered by back-to-back GE Dash 8-40CM Draper taper cowls CN 2424 and CN 2436.
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Pittman all rights reserved.

Caption: VIA train 70 (Windsor to Toronto), in a mix of colour schemes, is approaching Aldershot station on a cold winter morning. GMD F40PH-3 VIA 6405 leads a stainless steel baggage coach, 5 LRC coaches, and GE P42dc VIA 916 pushing.

Meanwhile CN train 421 (Macmillan Yard to Port Robinson) is on its way out of Aldershot Yard, easing down toward CN Snake to await its signal. CN 421 is powered by back-to-back GE Dash 8-40CM Draper taper cowls CN 2424 and CN 2436.

John Pittman [288] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/11/2019 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 6405 (search)
Train Symbol: VIA 70 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Oakville Sub 35.6 (search)
City/Town: Burlington (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=36106
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Photo ID: 34915

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  1. I’m loving the string of classic hi-cubes. That one still in orange ICG paint is a gem, and it looks like at least one GTW car is still sporting full “The Good Track Road” lettering. That slogan was conceived as a way for GTW to thumb its nose at Penn Central…

  2. Thanks for the comment. The VIA train masks graffiti that adorns the lower halves of these cars – few have artistic merit, except I like the “Roman Wars” one. Sets of these high cube boxcars shuttle back and forth on trains 422 and 421, dropped and lifted at Aldershot yard. I believe that they carry auto body parts from Ford’s Buffalo stamping plant going to Ford’s Oakville Assembly complex – not seen when Ford is on shutdown. (My observation etc, not inside information)

  3. There’s a Chessie autoparts car that still is on 421 often, too

  4. Yes they’re in captive service between the stamping plant in Buffalo and the Oakville plant. To add to the Chessie one with respect to the gems, there is also a DT&I one and a Southern one. The usual though are GTW, CN, CSX, NS and Conrail. And the odd IC. They’re one of the best parts about 421 and 422

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