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Via killed the passenger train - multiple times - per the insistence of the Trudeau, then Mulroney governments: The on / off Havelock Budd car train at Pontypool / on again by 1986 / then off - killed for good - in 1990. The Via Rail June 1 1982 timetable states " Last trip September 6 "; so here is Via train 189 with Via 6135. Amazingly the view from the highway 35 bridge has not changed significantly in 31 years - what you cannot see is that the track speed that was 60 mph - is now 15 mph, such is progress? Negative by S.Danko.
Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.

Caption: Via killed the passenger train - multiple times - per the insistence of the Trudeau, then Mulroney governments: The on / off Havelock Budd car train at Pontypool / on again by 1986 / then off - killed for good - in 1990. The Via Rail June 1 1982 timetable states " Last trip September 6 "; so here is Via train 189 with Via 6135. Amazingly the view from the highway 35 bridge has not changed significantly in 31 years - what you cannot see is that the track speed that was 60 mph - is now 15 mph, such is progress? Negative by S.Danko.

sdfourty [726] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/xx/1982 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: Via Rail 6135 (search)
Train Symbol: Via #189 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Pontypool (search)
City/Town: Pontypool (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=7694
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  1. Someone is enjoying a ride in the cab…..

  2. The trees are taller now, but progress hasn’t yet ruined the small town charm of Pontypool, and the idyllic view remains. Thanks for posting this one, Mr Danko!

  3. 6135 was one of the handful of Budd cars to survive the 1990 cuts. It worked on Vancouver Island, and I believe it is now a standby car in Sudbury.

  4. This was the last Sunday (westbound) 1982 trip until the 1986 restoration of service (then off again 1990). A bunch of Leaside based railfans bussed up to Peterborough to ride back to CP Rail Leaside.

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