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VIA FPA4 6762 and F9B 6622 sit on a passenger consist on Track 10, poking out of the west end of Union Station's train shed in downtown Toronto. A few tracks down, VIA's "The Canadian" consist sits with on Track 4, with CP FP7 1424 (and GP9 8517) on the head-end. VIA had taken over CP's passenger services last fall, and plenty of the ex-CP power was still in full CP colours (the 1400-series F-units were sold to VIA, but the steam generator-equipped GP9's were retained by CP and used as passenger protection power when needed).

The brown 3-story brick building in the background is the old CN Express Building (cut down and turned into park of the Skywalk in the 1980's). While Union Station itself isn't visible (other than the train shed), part of CP's Royal York Hotel is on the right.

Barry Schroeder photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Barry Schroeder photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll all rights reserved.

Caption: VIA FPA4 6762 and F9B 6622 sit on a passenger consist on Track 10, poking out of the west end of Union Station's train shed in downtown Toronto. A few tracks down, VIA's "The Canadian" consist sits with on Track 4, with CP FP7 1424 (and GP9 8517) on the head-end. VIA had taken over CP's passenger services last fall, and plenty of the ex-CP power was still in full CP colours (the 1400-series F-units were sold to VIA, but the steam generator-equipped GP9's were retained by CP and used as passenger protection power when needed).

The brown 3-story brick building in the background is the old CN Express Building (cut down and turned into park of the Skywalk in the 1980's). While Union Station itself isn't visible (other than the train shed), part of CP's Royal York Hotel is on the right.

Barry Schroeder photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.

Barry Schroeder photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll [1008] (more) (contact)
Date: Circa June 1979 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 6762, 6622, CP 1424 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Toronto Union Station (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55088
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Photo ID: 53766

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One Comment
  1. Someone on one of the groups mentioned the Canadian stopped running out of Toronto on June 17th 1979. This slide was only process stamped July 1979, so it could have been one of the final runs in June.

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