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This would’ve been interesting to see ! I heard some scanner chatter about this from where I was at Scotch Block. And heard the EB was CN 434 from the previous night per dispatch tell CN 384 and then 348 about it. Nice catch !
Now, if I had maintained my property in the manner this outfit does, the city would come and cut it and send me a big fat bill.
How does Metrolinx get off with such an unkempt jungle?
Somebody looking the other way?
It was interesting to see indeed and thanks Mike for the the info about the train which broke apart the previous night!
Well Arnold, I myself don’t really have any comments your statement about Metrolink as I am not too furmilur with their operations but this is an interesting subject I bet and I’d love to see what others have to say.
I have heard word thought that the company Athearn who produces the GO transit Bombardiers in HO and N (as well as many other various commuter trains in North America who use Bombardier) no longer has the licensing to produce them in GO transit scheme so if that’s the case, it’ll be a pretty big disappointment for many Model railroaders to come in the future. So many people LOVED those cars including I myself! Got a total of 17 of them in my collection! 11 old, 6 new.
No matter how much the hobby shop ordered, they always SOLD OUT COMPLETELY! After a couple months
Well, Graydon; when you go thru some of the old ‘up close’ photos on RP, or even old ones at Bayview; you can see that the railroads took great pride in maintaining their properties. I recall one from a few years ago posted by James Adeney featuring old Conrail engines coming out of Hamilton in which the right of way was better kept than my lawn.
But then, along our major highways it is about the same. Tall weeds and endless litter.
It never was like that.:o(