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VIA 6917 is alive! The Toronto Railway Historical Association's MLW LRC locomotive has been restored to operational status and has once again hauled sleek LRC coaches over Canadian rails. Although the distance travelled was not great, it was still a milestone moment for the volunteers who have spent countless hours of hard work returning the locomotive to her former glory. 6917 performed exactly as intended and enthusiastically belched the signature black smoke from her ALCO prime mover as she hauled three LRC coaches - including one which has been recently rebuilt!

More information about 6917 and her restoration process can be found at http://www.trha.ca/LRC/ and http://www.rapidotrains.com/lrc6917.html
Copyright Notice: This image ©Jay Brooks all rights reserved.

Caption: VIA 6917 is alive! The Toronto Railway Historical Association's MLW LRC locomotive has been restored to operational status and has once again hauled sleek LRC coaches over Canadian rails. Although the distance travelled was not great, it was still a milestone moment for the volunteers who have spent countless hours of hard work returning the locomotive to her former glory. 6917 performed exactly as intended and enthusiastically belched the signature black smoke from her ALCO prime mover as she hauled three LRC coaches - including one which has been recently rebuilt! More information about 6917 and her restoration process can be found at http://www.trha.ca/LRC/ and http://www.rapidotrains.com/lrc6917.html

Jay Brooks [20] (more) (contact)
Date: 2014 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 6917 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=15839
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Photo ID: 14814

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  1. Well done – great work and kudos to the Volunteers for making this happen!

  2. It’s good to see an update on this baby. I had no idea they are intending to get this on the mainline again. For all the hard work and determination that’s been put in… Time to empty my wallet.

  3. Also note the boom mic hanging out the engineer’s cab window…hmmm :)

  4. It’s awesome to see the great work people put into getting this all fixed up and running! Awesome work to the people that contributed.

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