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VIA 67 is making its station stop at Dorval with VIA 909 and four HEP cars in its consist. Quite a large number of passengers are boarding here, an encouraging sign. VIA has also increased the number of trains running in the Montreal-Toronto corridor and is rumoured to be increasing the frequency again in the near future.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Michael Berry all rights reserved.

Caption: VIA 67 is making its station stop at Dorval with VIA 909 and four HEP cars in its consist. Quite a large number of passengers are boarding here, an encouraging sign. VIA has also increased the number of trains running in the Montreal-Toronto corridor and is rumoured to be increasing the frequency again in the near future.

Michael Berry [4143] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/31/2021 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 909 (search)
Train Symbol: VIA 67 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: VIA Dorval Station (search)
City/Town: Dorval (search)
Province: Quebec (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=46225
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Photo ID: 44975

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Very nice Michael, my kind of picture ! Nice composition and colour, what with the VIA Dorval station tower, the fluffy white and grey clouds, the freshly painted white platform edge stripe (too bad they didn’t do it the length of the platform) , the yellow 909 (could use a good wash and some fresh paint/cosmetic touch up on the battered nose) and the matching yellow stripe above the coach windows on the first car. The addition of that yellow stripe adds elegance to the new paint scheme . I realize no. 67 originates in Montreal, but wonder about the Quebec City-Montreal-Orrawa through trains whether they reverse out of Central station back toward the Victoria Bridge or are they push-pull and reverse direction ? Also, hopefully you will take a photograph or two of the Ocean when it starts up later this month – will be interesting to see its consist. Thanks for posting, John

  2. Since frequency increased on the Quebec City-Ottawa trains recently, most of those consists are only one engine, so they have to wye in Montreal.

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