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VIA 6557 (Ex-CP) is westbound at Bayview Junction, Ontario on August 11, 1987.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Robert Farkas all rights reserved.

Caption: VIA 6557 (Ex-CP) is westbound at Bayview Junction, Ontario on August 11, 1987.

Robert Farkas [364] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/11/1987 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 6557 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Bayview Junction (search)
City/Town: Bayview Junction (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=34136
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Photo ID: 32958

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  1. Very nice. Hard to believe it is Bayview in the sense there is no railfan activity in the background. But then, maybe we were kicked out of that parking area by 1987?

  2. @AW. This one of the two areas where the train crew on the Blue fleet and Tempo trains had to do an inspection on their trains going through the S curve (Paris Jct being the other one). The engineers had t give a toot on the whistle to acknowledge the inspection.

    Actually AW it was a few “bad” railfans that spoiled it for everyone else. I remember waving to the fans in the parking lot and they were well behaved. But then a few bad apples started venturing to other areas to get “the shot” and that killed it for everyone else. CN put the wire across the entrance and that was that :-(

  3. A couple of guys up from the States I remember got caught climbing things they shouldn’t have been, and that was the end of the good times there for us. Of course THEY didn’t care, they were visitors who were not coming back.

  4. It only takes a few to spoil the party. I hated having to call the RTC when i saw railfans doing stupid things like climbing signal masts to get a picture.
    Unfortunately its my job to report trespassers no matter who they are. Trust me, you don’t want to know what it feels like to have someone die under the wheels of your locomotive because they were being careless or stupid :-)

  5. Those green fans are odd since this is an ex-CP unit. I’d guess when CN PSC shops rebuilt the unit for VIA, they used some fan parts that came off some old CN Geeps and painted them black. After years of use and paint chipping, that’s possibly the old CN green from the original CN Geep livery showing through. Very neat.

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