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VIA 62 on the left and VIA 67 at right are arriving at Dorval Station simultaneously. Generally VIA trains in either direction will only be on the south track, so it's rare to see a meet like this.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Michael Berry all rights reserved.

Caption: VIA 62 on the left and VIA 67 at right are arriving at Dorval Station simultaneously. Generally VIA trains in either direction will only be on the south track, so it's rare to see a meet like this.

Michael Berry [4140] (more) (contact)
Date: 02/13/2022 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 918 (search)
Train Symbol: VIA 62 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: VIA Dorval Station (search)
City/Town: Dorval (search)
Province: Quebec (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=47988
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Photo ID: 46714

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  1. Michael, according to the long time saying, “timing is every thing”. But there is lot more than just good timing in this very nice picture, the two yellow & silver noses, each train being LRC equipped, each train with a green F40 at the other end, 918 and 920 with clean noses (well maybe 918 could use a face wash), and trains 62 & 67 arriving together on the north and south tracks. Everything in pairs; the Count on Le Rue Sesame would love this (as I do). And in another two years or so, these 2 train sets will have been replaced by VIA’s new Siemens trains making this another “Berry History picture”. Thanks for posting. Question – is there an elevator on each platform to serve the under ground tunnel connecting the north and south platforms ? John

  2. Thanks. No, only stairs.

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