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US Steel had recently purchased Stelco - but not much has changed at the Hamilton Works on this summer day. Remote Control SW900 Stelco #84 is switching gondolas in the main inbound/outbound yard - all blast furnaces were operating and US Steel was recieving at least two switches per day. Traffic consisted mostly of steel billets for export - however the Steel Train (Joint CN/SOR) also continued to operate. Note the vintage crossbuck.
Today the blast furnaces are idle at Hamilton, no steel is being produced, a small Galvanizing line is operating, and the coke ovens continue to turn Coal into Coke for export to other US Steel blast furnace operations. This amounts to approximately a couple tank cars a week are switched into or out of US Steel Hamilton, a pittance compared to the 80 or so loaded cars daily being switched out by CN and CP at the time of this photo.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: US Steel had recently purchased Stelco - but not much has changed at the Hamilton Works on this summer day. Remote Control SW900 Stelco #84 is switching gondolas in the main inbound/outbound yard - all blast furnaces were operating and US Steel was recieving at least two switches per day. Traffic consisted mostly of steel billets for export - however the Steel Train (Joint CN/SOR) also continued to operate. Note the vintage crossbuck.

Today the blast furnaces are idle at Hamilton, no steel is being produced, a small Galvanizing line is operating, and the coke ovens continue to turn Coal into Coke for export to other US Steel blast furnace operations. This amounts to approximately a couple tank cars a week are switched into or out of US Steel Hamilton, a pittance compared to the 80 or so loaded cars daily being switched out by CN and CP at the time of this photo.

Stephen C. Host [1542] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/30/2008 (search)
Railway: Industrial (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Stelco Industrial trackage (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=6920
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