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Upper Canada Railway Society excursion trips on Saturday and Sunday, September 26 & 27 1964, were a doubleheader run and done with CNR Northerns 6167 and 6218. This was to show the change of excursion engines from 6167 to 6218, as 6167's boiler tubes needed to be retubed in October 1964 (next month) which would prevent it from continuing in excursion service. On September 26th, the train ran from Toronto to Huntsville ON and back, departing from Union Station, heading north via the Bala and Newmarket Subs, and returning to Toronto via the Newmarket. The train is shown here on one of its runbys north of Washago, heading south on the Newmarket Sub near present-day Gravenhurst.

6167's final excursion run would be from Toronto to Brantford and back the next day. She would be stored at Spadina Roundhouse before being donated to the City of Guelph three years later to be put on static display near the CN (now VIA) Station. CN 6218's final excursion was in 1971, and it is now on display in Fort Erie ON.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bill Thomson all rights reserved.

Caption: Upper Canada Railway Society excursion trips on Saturday and Sunday, September 26 & 27 1964, were a doubleheader run and done with CNR Northerns 6167 and 6218. This was to show the change of excursion engines from 6167 to 6218, as 6167's boiler tubes needed to be retubed in October 1964 (next month) which would prevent it from continuing in excursion service. On September 26th, the train ran from Toronto to Huntsville ON and back, departing from Union Station, heading north via the Bala and Newmarket Subs, and returning to Toronto via the Newmarket. The train is shown here on one of its runbys north of Washago, heading south on the Newmarket Sub near present-day Gravenhurst.

6167's final excursion run would be from Toronto to Brantford and back the next day. She would be stored at Spadina Roundhouse before being donated to the City of Guelph three years later to be put on static display near the CN (now VIA) Station. CN 6218's final excursion was in 1971, and it is now on display in Fort Erie ON.

Bill Thomson [715] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/26/1964 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 6167, CN 6128 (search)
Train Symbol: UCRS Excursion (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Gravenhurst - CN Newmarket Sub (search)
City/Town: Washago (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=14528
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  1. While 6167 was being used on the fantrip circuit, was 6218 in storage as a reserve locomotive?

  2. That must have been impressive-two Northerns pounding away

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