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UP 1982 on CP 244.  CN 2441 leading CN 435.  CP 7022 leading CP 247.  Railfans in Southern Ontario had three great targets to go after this sunny Saturday.  The old man and I opted for option 3 and I'm glad we did.  The low autumn light nicely illuminated the red under-frame on CP 7022 as the train slowly pulled up to the north siding switch Welland to pick up the conductor.  We were surprisingly the only railfans at this location, so most must have went after other targets today.  There was one unconfirmed sighting of the Mooney-mobile shortly after our arrival but it failed to stop at our location.  It may have just been some geezer out for a drive with his lady friend.  Thanks to Bill Purdy and Jazzy Joe for the heads-up on 246 yesterday.  Lets see your shots from today!  And no Steve, I'm not pinching you.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Rob Smith all rights reserved.

Caption: UP 1982 on CP 244. CN 2441 leading CN 435. CP 7022 leading CP 247. Railfans in Southern Ontario had three great targets to go after this sunny Saturday. The old man and I opted for option 3 and I'm glad we did. The low autumn light nicely illuminated the red under-frame on CP 7022 as the train slowly pulled up to the north siding switch Welland to pick up the conductor. We were surprisingly the only railfans at this location, so most must have went after other targets today. There was one unconfirmed sighting of the Mooney-mobile shortly after our arrival but it failed to stop at our location. It may have just been some geezer out for a drive with his lady friend. Thanks to Bill Purdy and Jazzy Joe for the heads-up on 246 yesterday. Lets see your shots from today! And no Steve, I'm not pinching you.

Rob Smith [380] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/28/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 7022 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 247 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Hamilton Sub. (search)
City/Town: Welland (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=43527
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Photo ID: 42307

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. But I was in YOUR territory today! Hahah

    Wait.. and you were in Mooneys… so this means he should have been chasing 244.

  2. I was down there today. Not at the north siding switch, though.

  3. We’ve been letting in a lot of riff raff lately…

  4. Glad you got this one Rob. You picked the right one to get with 244 terminating before it got to this area.

  5. Hahaha riff raff!!

  6. Great shot Rob…..

  7. Very nice, Rob.

  8. Can’t believe I missed you guys. The “old Man’ keeps changing cars all the time and I do not know what to look for………:o)

  9. @Mooney – yeah that’s too bad. We had just pulled up and we didn’t notice you until you had passed us. I’m glad you were able to catch it also; you got a good shot.

    Thanks all for your comments.

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