Caption: Unauthorized vehicles not permitted on platform. A sign I would assume was meant for passengers Schreiber (and other stations on CP) when The Canadian called regularly on this small railroad town in northern Ontario. This image could be mistook for something from the mid 20th century, as a lengthy Toronto bound passenger arrives at the division point of Schreiber on a quiet, fall day. This, however is not the reason; we are in the 21st Century and this is CP's Royal Canadian Pacific on a trip from Calgary to Toronto with a group of Canadian Tire owners taking in all the sights. My friend Kyle Stefanovic and I followed the train to White River where we ended up having a brief conversation with a few of the onboard patrons. They told us that due to "insurance restrictions", they were confined to the train for the entirety the trip, but other than that they were having a good time. The times we live in...