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Tugs 'n Trains at the Goderich harbour as GEXR 581 waits to assault the 3 or so percent grade to the Goderich station with 15 loads on the drawbar. The show was great as usual.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: Tugs 'n Trains in the Goderich harbour as GEXR 581 waits to assault the 2.78 or so percent grade to the Goderich station with 15 loads on the drawbar. The show was great as usual.

Stephen C. Host [1542] (more) (contact)
Date: 7/28/2019 (search)
Railway: Goderich-Exeter (search)
Reporting Marks: RLK 4095, RLHH 2117 (search)
Train Symbol: GEXR 581-28 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Goderich (search)
City/Town: Goderich (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39511
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Photo ID: 38316

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Now.. it’s a wonder not more power for that grade!

  2. Very nice, Stephen.

  3. Wow!! No trucks, no ships (to speak of)..I don’t think I have ever seen it that wide open down there. Great image!

  4. ‘Salt’ water on the left. Fresh on the right. ;)

  5. Glad yall like it. It was a challenge to drop family off at beach to get to this shot on time.. but I was lucky as usual.

    Thanks to a friend who corrected me: The grade does vary over the length of the hill but tops out in a section at 2.83 percent.

    There are a couple sections around that grade and smaller subgrades but its not uniform by any means. Takes a skilled hogger to pull a good train up the hill and gexr hoggers get a ton of experience here.

  6. Love a shot like this where there is so much to see beyond the train.

  7. Beautiful image Steve. At first glance, it looks like it was taken in the tropics it’s so colourful (basically the opposite of winter!)

  8. Thank you – it was a gorgeous day so we spent the day on the beach at Goderich after camping at Auburn the night before. I’m glad GEXR runs on weekends now or I would have no train photos :)

  9. Arnold do you recall how the CPR crossed the CNR at this location? at grade?

  10. I don’t Steve. I can only suggest accessing a topographical map that a University might have in their library.

  11. My own Topo map Is inconclusive as the area covered cuts right across the top of Goderich; but it “suggests” the CN & CP interchanged in that yard area behind the elevators. The map shows at least 3 tracks back in there.

  12. Nope. Must have been at grade. I just cannot remember it.

  13. Steve, CP crossed above the CN. CP tracks continued to their small yard where the tracks looped around by the beach and lead to the interchange behind the grain elevators. So Arnold, you were right!

  14. Thank you Dave!

  15. CP tracks would have been right below me (at bottom of the grade of course)

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