Caption: TTC Articulated Light Rail Vehicle (ALRV) 4230 rumbles westward across Church St. on a 501 Queen run, which had just resumed regular routing the day before. Note the relatively fresh in-pavement diamond(s) and the construction blockades: from July to early September 2009, the TTC rebuild its streetcar trackage along Church St. south of Carleton, beginning with rebuilding the intersection of Queen & Church. This necessitated detours of regular 501 and 502 cars (outlined here). While at this point most of the work is completed and regular Queen St. routing has resumed, there are still exposed switches to the north of the intersection that await paving over.
I’m impressed with this shot because of great colour, plus the inclusion of the “Queen St” sign.
Well picked location for sure thats what its all about.
Thanks for the comments guys.