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Train LS-3 departing St. Thomas with PC 3144, P&LE 2810 & 2607 on a hazy summer afternoon. My Instamatic recorded the scene and was not perhaps up to the task. It's all gone now, double track main ripped out and the other railways in the area long gone. Travelling that day with Bruce Mercer on one of our many jaunts around southern Ontario.  Bruce kept copious notes of trains seen and was able to provide me with the locomotive numbers, train symbol and date etc. I suppose if asked, Bruce could provide a car count and caboose number on this train. Thanks.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Doug Lawson all rights reserved.

Caption: Train LS-3 departing St. Thomas with PC 3144, P&LE 2810 & 2607 on a hazy summer afternoon. My Instamatic recorded the scene and was not perhaps up to the task. It's all gone now, double track main ripped out and the other railways in the area long gone. Travelling that day with Bruce Mercer on one of our many jaunts around southern Ontario. Bruce kept copious notes of trains seen and was able to provide me with the locomotive numbers, train symbol and date etc. I suppose if asked, Bruce could provide a car count and caboose number on this train. Thanks.

Doug Lawson [250] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/28/1971 (search)
Railway: Penn Central (search)
Reporting Marks: PC 3144 (search)
Train Symbol: LS-3 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: St.Thomas CASO sub (search)
City/Town: St.Thomas (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=35599
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  1. Not to mention the air temperature, wind direction, crew names, assingment pool. Wiki Bruce

  2. 84 cars van 21744 departing at 1350…

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