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Train 82 from Grenville to Montreal behind ALCO RS3 3901 pounds the diamond with the St-Laurent Sub at E.J. Tower.  Per the CNRHA, this was one of two steam generator-equipped RS3s purchased for the Central Vermont in 1954 at CV 1859, 1860, later renumbered CV 3900, 3901 and finally transferred to the CNR in 1958.Scan and editing by Jacob Patterson.
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Freyseng all rights reserved.

Caption: Train 82 from Grenville to Montreal behind ALCO RS3 3901 pounds the diamond with the St-Laurent Sub at E.J. Tower. Per the CNRHA, this was one of two steam generator-equipped RS3s purchased for the Central Vermont in 1954 at CV 1859, 1860, later renumbered CV 3900, 3901 and finally transferred to the CNR in 1958.

Scan and editing by Jacob Patterson.

John Freyseng [172] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/05/1962 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CNR 3901 (search)
Train Symbol: 82 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Mont Royal Sub. (search)
City/Town: Montreal (search)
Province: Quebec (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=54946
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Photo ID: 53624

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Incredible. A rare picture in so many ways.

    Someone needs to time machine this one.

  2. @Jakob, this now crosses at grade. Here’s a shot looking in a different direction. That line with the AMT train on it is now an REM line (not open yet). Up above is the CN St-Laurent Sub.


  3. Note the tell tails over the track of the St. Laurent Sub, not for an overhead bridge, but for the overhead wire for the commuter MU cars and electric motors to Cartierville and St Eustache, most unique.

  4. Looks like the operator having a good chat with a crew member !

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