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Time machine: 

CN Kingston Subdivision mile 284.3 at the north track Restricted Clearance Sign*, two images, three decades of separation, three generations of (Via) diesel power, same high speed super-elevated curve. (* Restricted Clearance Sign: two diamond shaped holes )

The October 10, 2013 image: A friendly wave by a Via head end crew member completes the image of an unusual two generation Via power lashup - 1986 GMD built F40PH-2 #6401 (rebuilt 2011/2) leads 2001 GE built P42DC #911 - for Via train #61 at CN Kingston Subdivision mile 284.3; the Stephenson Road bridge. October 2, 2013 image by S. Danko. 

The June 25, 1983 Kodachrome: combined train  Via #43 The Capital / #53 The Lakeshore, powered by first generation 1959 built MLW  FPA-4 #6770 and an unknown FPB-4 #68xx with the standard conventional blue and yellow striped 1954 era passenger equipment consist, speeds through the  high speed super-elevated curve at mile 284.3

The Lakeshore Road / Stephenson Road Bridge:

VIA 41 with 6425 scoots under the Lakeshore Road bridge *(the reason for the Restricted Clearance Sign)  mile 284.3 Kingston Subdivision. 03/13/13 image by S. Danko. 

         The Bridge  

The competition in both images: in the background that is CP Rail Belleville Subdivision mile 155 known as Lovekin, Ontario.

Images and Kodachrome by S.Danko.
Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.

Caption: Time machine:

CN Kingston Subdivision mile 284.3 at the north track Restricted Clearance Sign*, two images, three decades of separation, three generations of (Via) diesel power, same high speed super-elevated curve. (* Restricted Clearance Sign: two diamond shaped holes )

The October 10, 2013 image: A friendly wave by a Via head end crew member completes the image of an unusual two generation Via power lashup - 1986 GMD built F40PH-2 #6401 (rebuilt 2011/2) leads 2001 GE built P42DC #911 - for Via train #61 at CN Kingston Subdivision mile 284.3; the Stephenson Road bridge. October 2, 2013 image by S. Danko.

The June 25, 1983 Kodachrome: combined train Via #43 The Capital / #53 The Lakeshore, powered by first generation 1959 built MLW FPA-4 #6770 and an unknown FPB-4 #68xx with the standard conventional blue and yellow striped 1954 era passenger equipment consist, speeds through the high speed super-elevated curve at mile 284.3

The Lakeshore Road / Stephenson Road Bridge:

VIA 41 with 6425 scoots under the Lakeshore Road bridge *(the reason for the Restricted Clearance Sign) mile 284.3 Kingston Subdivision. 03/13/13 image by S. Danko.

The Bridge

The competition in both images: in the background that is CP Rail Belleville Subdivision mile 155 known as Lovekin, Ontario.

Images and Kodachrome by S.Danko.

sdfourty [726] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/02/2013 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: Via 6401 (search)
Train Symbol: Via Rail # 61 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Kingston Sub Mile 284 (search)
City/Town: Newcastle (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=18712
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Photo ID: 17605

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One Comment
  1. Excellent! I’ve added this with its corresponding pair to the time machine page. Great stuff Steve!

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