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Tied down on number 1 track of the Kingston Sub between Marysville and Quinte, CN 105 sat for the majority of the day awaiting the continuation of its trip. At this particular point, it was being overtaken by CN 149 on number 2 track. VIA 42 would be along shortly on number 3 track. A busy few minutes along the Kingston Sub for a Saturday afternoon. 

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of CN's IPO on November 17, 1995, the trailing 5 engines were painted into schemes representing the additions made to the CN family since privatization. Each with a CN IPO25 logo on the side of the cab, the engines are 3115 for BC Rail, 8952 for Grand Trunk Western, 3023 for the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern, 3069 for Wisconsin Central, 8898 in fresh CN paint, and 3008 for Illinois Central. These will certainly make CN trains interesting for the coming times.
Copyright Notice: This image ©David Vincent all rights reserved.

Caption: Tied down on number 1 track of the Kingston Sub between Marysville and Quinte, CN 105 sat for the majority of the day awaiting the continuation of its trip. At this particular point, it was being overtaken by CN 149 on number 2 track. VIA 42 would be along shortly on number 3 track. A busy few minutes along the Kingston Sub for a Saturday afternoon. To commemorate the 25th anniversary of CN's IPO on November 17, 1995, the trailing 5 engines were painted into schemes representing the additions made to the CN family since privatization. Each with a CN IPO25 logo on the side of the cab, the engines are 3115 for BC Rail, 8952 for Grand Trunk Western, 3023 for the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern, 3069 for Wisconsin Central, 8898 in fresh CN paint, and 3008 for Illinois Central. These will certainly make CN trains interesting for the coming times.

David Vincent [80] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/14/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 2940 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 105 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Mile 213.45 CN Kingston Sub (search)
City/Town: Shannonville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=43405
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Photo ID: 42186

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Awesome shot!
    I was the other railfan there when 149 showed up

  2. looks great bud

  3. Wow! And you caught them all. Great stuff David!

  4. LOL the watermark. LOL

  5. Excellent photo David.

  6. Thanks all for the feedback. This was a fun catch and I look forward to everyone else’s shots as they run around the system.

  7. Is this Airport?

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