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Three of the CBNS 'old guard' in the deadline at Sydney's main RR yard represents a dismal sight. The 3 former CN units, as well as any of the other old alcos that toiled on the CBNS, are all gone from the property now, these being sold to locomotive dealer Ed Bowers in 2003. Of the 3716, 2003 and 2016; the CTG lists 3716 as the only one not scrapped. But where is it??
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W. Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Three of the CBNS 'old guard' in the deadline at Sydney's main RR yard represents a dismal sight. The 3 former CN units, as well as any of the other old alcos that toiled on the CBNS, are all gone from the property now, these being sold to locomotive dealer Ed Bowers in 2003. Of the 3716, 2003 and 2016; the CTG lists 3716 as the only one not scrapped. But where is it??

A.W. Mooney [2207] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/15/2001 (search)
Railway: Cape Breton and Nova Scotia (search)
Reporting Marks: CBNS 3716 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Sydney Sub. (search)
City/Town: Sydney (search)
Province: Nova Scotia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=12454
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  1. What’s with all the depressing photos lately? Is the weather getting to you?

  2. I think there was one RS18 kept for display, but it was 3842(?) instead. I heard most of these unit had bad wheels and couldn’t really be moved, so were scrapped. Sister units 2028 and 2029 were saved and brought to the states, but eventually they too were cut up.

  3. Iremember x-CN 2028 being stateside; I couldn’t believe my eyes driving west out of Cohocton NY on Route 415 and there is 2028, cut up in pieces in a vacant lot!!!

    Sorry about the depressing images, Mr. Smith. You want I should put happy faces under the cab windows? :o )

  4. I was at Sidney that same year but in July and was amazed to see just about all of the Alco’s still in the yard in a a sad state. Managed to catch 2029 in Scranton a few days later. Wish I made the trip a few years earlier. Even the SD45-2s that replaced the MLWs have been scrapped.

  5. 3716 was to be saved but the 3842 was in better condition and saved instead. It needs new wheels and is to be moved to the rail museum at the former CN station in Orangedale N.S.

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