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Three Draper taper cowl GE Dash 8-40CM units power CN 422 eastward on Oakville Sub track 1. They wear their original colour schemes - CN diagonal stripes, BC Rail, CN North America.East-side signals for CN Snake can be seen 1km back.  Alongside is the west lead to/from Aldershot Yard; 422's crew will make a small setoff and a much larger lift from Aldershot East.  Notable in August 2018 has been the absense of high-cube auto parts boxcars on 422; possibly Ford Oakville is retooling for the 2019 model year.
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Pittman all rights reserved.

Caption: Three Draper taper cowl GE Dash 8-40CM units power CN 422 eastward on Oakville Sub track 1. They wear their original colour schemes - CN diagonal stripes, BC Rail, CN North America.
East-side signals for CN Snake can be seen 1km back. Alongside is the west lead to/from Aldershot Yard; 422's crew will make a small setoff and a much larger lift from Aldershot East.
Notable in August 2018 has been the absense of high-cube auto parts boxcars on 422; possibly Ford Oakville is retooling for the 2019 model year.

John Pittman [288] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/15/2018 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 2407, BCOL 4609, CN 2438 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 422 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Oakville Sub MP 35.6 (search)
City/Town: Burlington (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=34415
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Photo ID: 33237

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  1. This is great!

  2. Wow.

  3. With the units in perfect order, forward, forward and reverse. You can’t help but think the guys at the diesel shop enjoyed building this set.

  4. Your comments are greatly appreciated, thank you. Very glad I tried my luck at the tracks this morning. This vantage point is greatly improved in recent years, since the removal of a 2 large trees that were growing close to the tracks near the industrial building on the left.

  5. Nice catch. Work got in the way of this one but glad someone got it.

  6. LOL@Extra..the guys at the shop are great but rarely put power together for the enjoyment. Actually these days power is assigned by HPT. In the good old days it was all about the ruling grade..ahh memories.

  7. Great shot jp4pix! Hey are the plastic chairs still up on the hill for the “foamers” to sit on. The guys I used to work with always got a big kick out of seeing those chairs and said to me” Who wastes a weekend in chairs beside railroad tracks taking pictures”? They said the would rather be at home with a beer. LOL i told them thats just how we roll:-)

  8. Not many will sit on those chairs anymore. Ticks have taken over this hill and it’s an utter infestation starting in spring as soon as the grass grows through the summer into fall. Only worth going in Winter or early Spring if you must….

    4-5 years ago there wasn’t much of a tick problem. It’s literally crawling with ‘em now.

  9. Thx Stephen…sounds like a good place to stay clear of

  10. Nobody packing a weed wacker??

  11. Agent orange is required. Its bad. Snake work your magic.

  12. LOL@Stephen…if anyone can get rid of ticks..its a snake! :-)

  13. @Stephen & @Foreman Hall …what did your last slave die of?

  14. @snake2..hmm i can’t remember for sure. It was either Lime disease from ticks or a snake bite :-)

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