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This was probably one of the most shots trains in Ontario today, CN X311 is seen grinding up grade at Copetown with CN 5452, CN 5408 and 74 loaded windmill flats.  Learning that this train was going to make it through this area in daylight made it a no brainer to pop out to Copetown for a couple shots.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Joseph Bishop all rights reserved.

Caption: This was probably one of the most shots trains in Ontario today, CN X311 is seen grinding up grade at Copetown with CN 5452, CN 5408 and 72 loaded windmill flats. Learning that this train was going to make it through this area in daylight made it a no brainer to pop out to Copetown for a couple shots.

Joseph Bishop [721] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/10/2017 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 5452 (search)
Train Symbol: CN X311 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Dundas Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Copetown (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=29128
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Photo ID: 27961

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  1. Now if I was thinking, I could have picked up the boys from school and joined you! :) I’m glad you caught it.

  2. When are we going to see the end of these (bleepin) windmills, blades, towers and all the rest of it? We don’t need the ones we’ve got!!

  3. Heading for Texas, Arnold! And many more to come….

  4. Phew. Thanks Mr. Berry. I thought it might be another “Wynne”tower.

  5. Nice shot Joe! Some of us couldn’t get out for this :) Too bad it wasn’t on a week-end!

  6. Unfortunately it looks set to always be on a weekend – every windmill train from the Gaspe so far has left New Richmond on a Saturday to be picked up by CN in Matapedia, into Joffre on Sunday and into Ontario on Monday/Tuesday.

  7. Nicely done! I wish I could have caught it :( darn job LOL

  8. Marcus, true railfanning is a young or retired man’s game. The working stiffs like us have to get lucky.

    It’s always been this way too :) Except for those with extremely flexible schedules.

  9. Excuse me Sir Stephen Richards, err Richard Stephens…working stiff ? I see many pics from you on “apparently” taken on weekdays. I know…you were on assignment……

  10. Exactly, Snake. Reminds me of that other one who works in Brantford; I won’t mention his very common last name, but he appears to have reversed from what you and I had to do. Namely he works one hour a day and takes 8 for lunch.

  11. There he is! Glad you’re keeping well Mr. Mooney.

  12. My comments still stand. Living by the tracks does have it perks though, eh Snake.

  13. Which route did this take?

  14. Hahaha you guys kill me with these comments.

    DoctaPinklaces, this one came out of Quebec. The same shortline that Michael Berry shot a few weeks ago. So it came Quebec, across Eastern Ontario on the Kingston Sub, across the Halton Sub to the Dundas.

  15. I saw this one at a crossing very near my place in Pickering ( York Sub ). When you get a perspective of those blades to houses, it is impressive.

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